- Bohai Bay Economic Rim 环渤海地区
- Beibu Bay economic zone, following the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta, Bohai Bay, the fourth largest after the coastal economic zone, the Southwest China are the only access to the sea. 北部湾经济区是继珠三角、长三角、渤海湾之后的第四大沿海经济区,是中国大西南唯一出海通道。
- It is located at the heart of the Bohai Economic Rim. 它处于环渤海经济圈的中心地带。
- Port group in Hebei province play an important role in development of Bohai bay economic area 河北省港口群在环渤海经济区的地位和作用
- Binhai New Area is situated at the center of the Bohai Bay Rim area. 滨海新区位于环渤海湾地区的中心位置。
- The Bohai bay Basin is a Cenozoic rifting one. 渤海宵盆地是一个新生代裂陷盆地。
- Tanggu is a shining pearl over the Bohai Bay. 塘沽是渤海湾上的一颗璀璨的明珠。
- Petroleum system of Bohai Bay basin. 渤海湾盆地的石油系统
- The Latest Study on Bohai Bay Basin. 渤海湾盆地大油田新研究
- Safety Culture Established in Bohai Bay? 安全文化在渤海湾形成?
- Landscape Spatial Pattern of Typical Silty Coastal Zone in Bohai Bay. 渤海湾淤泥质海岸带典型地区景观空间格局分析。
- Formation and Distribution of Oil and Gas Abundance Zones in Bohai Bay Basin. 渤海湾盆地油气富集带的形成与分布
- Chengdao oil field is a large very shallow sea oil field in China's Bohai Bay. 埕岛油田是中国渤海湾南部极浅海海域发现的大型油气田。
- The Bohai oil province is a part of the Bohai bay nonmarine rift basin. 渤海油区是渤海湾陆相裂谷盆地的一部分。
- Tianjin LuTai coating additives plant was built and it 1999, Tang Jin geography at the junction of the Bohai Bay, convenient transportation, economic development, professional development is the production of high-grade coatings businesses. 唐山市芦台宏良涂料助剂厂始建于1999年,地理位于渤海湾津唐交界处,交通便利,经济发达是专业研发生产中高档涂料的企业。
- This paper tries to use SWOT analytic method for strategic programming in Beihai on the background of rising of the Beibu Bay Economic Circle. 在北部湾经济圈上升到国家经济发展战略层面的背景下,本文拟试用SWOT分析法对北海在旅游战略规划作初步的分析。
- Tianjin Economic Development Area (TEDA) is established at the abandoned saltpan in Tanggu, Tianjin, China.It is located in desolated heavy saline coast area with no vegetation in Bohai Bay . 天津经济技术开发区坐落在渤海湾的退海盐荒地上,创建前是天津塘沽盐场的晒盐池,寸草不长,生态环境最恶劣。
- Port Economic Rim on the West Coast of the Strait 海西港口经济圈
- A comparison study on the exploration potential between Bohai Bay basin and Subei basin. 渤海湾盆地与苏北盆地勘探潜力对比研究