- She threw herself body and soul into her work. 她全身心地投入她的工作。
- A cigar with a long, tapering body and blunt ends. 一种长雪茄烟,一端粗一端细,两端都很钝
- He had flung himself into the project body and soul. 他全身心地投入到这项工程之中。
- She hardly eats enough to keep body and soul together. 她没有足够的食物来维持生命。
- Body and Somaesthetics 身体与身体美学
- For years, they are inseparable as body and shadow. 几年来,他们形影不离。
- A cigar with a long,tapering body and blunt ends. 一种长雪茄烟,一端粗一端细,两端都很钝
- Health of body and mind is my gospel. 保持身心健康是我的信条
- We should do our duty to our country body and soul. 我们应当全心全意地对祖国尽自己的义务。
- He committed himself to the task body and soul. 他全身心地投入工作。
- He had a long, thin body and the scholar's stoop. 他身材瘦长并且象学者一样弯腰驼背。
- He was spent in body and spirit. 他已经精疲力尽了。
- He feels weary in body and mind. 他感到身心疲劳。
- Must be sound of body and of temperament. 必须拥有强健的身体和稳定的性格。
- Fresh air is the Best tonic for Body and mind. 新鲜空气是促进人们身心健康的最佳补晶。
- She shook Juliet's lifeless body and then screamed. 她摇了摇茱丽叶僵硬的躯体,然后尖叫了起来。
- Shape your body and improve its flexibility. 塑造形体改善身体的柔韧性。
- Why is pH important in body and skin care products? 为什么护肤产品的?
- Top entry, split body and welded body design. 入口在顶部,阀体分流,焊接而成。
- Determine to integrate the body and spirit. 决心把身体和灵魂合二为一.