- Bob rode his horse to a standstill. 鲍勃把马骑得走不动了。
- Bob often stirs up a fight between the two boys. 鲍勃经常煽动这两个孩子打架。
- Bob teed off on the new pitcher's first delivery. 鲍勃猛击那新投手所投的第一个球。
- Bob pecked at the hard ground with a pickaxe. 鲍勃用鹤嘴锄在坚硬的地面上挖掘。
- Bob Seagren 西格伦
- Bob is a fool, to be dozing at the very nonce. 鲍勃真是个笨蛋,在这个节骨眼上还打瞌睡。
- Bob lit up one of his best Havana. 鲍勃点燃了一只他最好的哈瓦那烟。
- Bill and Bob are boon companions. 比尔和鲍勃是很合得来的朋友。
- Bob tuned in his portable radio to a record show. 鲍伯收听手提收音机的唱片广播。
- Bob began to go into the details of the question. 鲍勃开始深入调查这问题的细节。
- Bob and I were rivals for the job. 鲍勃和我是这一职位的竞争者。
- Bob is up to his neck in homework. 鲍勃在埋头做家庭作业。
- Bob was art and part in the crime. 鲍勃策划并参与了这项罪行。
- Bob turned a blind eye to the "No Fishing" sign. 鲍勃假装没看见“严禁钓鱼”的告示。
- When Bob gets mad, you can't hold him down. 当鲍勃生气的时候,你都抑制不住他。
- Bob and Liz entertained us to dinner last night. 昨晚鲍勃和利兹设宴招待了我们。
- Bob is shorter than his younger brother. 鲍伯比他弟弟矮。
- Bob's younger brother was a bad actor. 鲍伯的弟弟表现恶劣。
- Jane got afraid when Bob put his foot down. 鲍伯加快了车速,珍很担心。
- Bob would not go to town barefooted if he had all his marbles. 鲍勃要是不犯傻的话,就不会赤着脚进城。