- Kemp ran as Bob Dole's running-mate in the 1996 presidential election. 1996年同对手鲍勃-多尔一同竞选美国总统。
- By coincidence, Bob Dole and Newt Gingrich were on the morning news programs. 巧合的是,鲍勃.;多尔和纽特
- As it turned out, my error didn't matter, because Bob Dole would decide to kill any health-care reform. 不过,后来证明,我的错误无关大局,因为无论是什么样的医疗保健改革,鲍勃.;多尔都将决定予以封杀。
- Vice President Bush has Senator Bob Dole and his other opponents on the ropes. The question today will be whether Mr.Bush can deliver the knockout punch. 副总统布什逼得参议员多尔以及其他对手难以招架。今天的问题是布什能否打出致胜的一击。
- Former Senator Bob Dole and former Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala will look into reports of patient neglect and poor building maintenance. 前参议员鲍勃?多尔和前卫生与公众服务部长唐娜?沙拉拉将对忽视病人和医疗设施维护问题进行调查。
- Mr McCain's age will ensure that one of the central debates in the election will be whether the Arizonan is the new Bob Dole or the new Ronald Reagan. 麦凯恩的年龄将会确保在大选时一个中心辩论议题就是这位亚利桑那州人到底是另一位鲍勃多尔还是另一位罗纳德里根。
- Former Senator Bob Dole, a republican and former health secretary Donna Shalala, a democrat have agreed to head the commission. 前共和党参议员博都尔和民主党人士前健康组织秘书长都纳沙拉拉都答应领导该委员会。
- After a meeting with congressional leaders in the Cabinet Room, I suggested to Bob Dole that we work together on legislation. 在内阁会议厅会见了国会领袖们之后,我向鲍勃.;多尔提议,我们一起协力制定此项法案。
- Bob Dole was overrun by the longer-named Bill Clinton, but again it was by someone with an unassuming surname and there was only a single syllable difference. 鲍勃·杜尔就被比他名字长的比尔·克林顿战胜了,然而“克林顿”本身也是一个谦逊的姓氏,而且和“杜尔”相比也只差一个音节。
- Vice President Bush has Senator Bob Dole and his other opponents on the ropes.The question today will be whether Mr.Bush can deliver the knockout punch. 副总统布什逼得参议员多尔以及其他对手难以招架。今天的问题是布什能否打出致胜的一击。
- Former senator Bob Dole and former Health and Human Service Secretary Donna Shalala were looking to reports of patients neglected in pooling building maintenance. 前参议员鲍勃?尔和前卫生与公众服务部长唐娜?拉拉对忽视伤者赡养费的报告进行调查。
- Former Senator Bob Dole and former Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala will look into the reports of the patients' neglect and poor building maintenance. 前参议员鲍勃多尔和前卫生与公众服务部长唐娜沙拉拉将会就有关对病人疏忽和对设施糟糕维护的报告进行调查。
- I was somewhat surprised when his family asked me to speak, along with Bob Dole, Henry Kissinger, and California governor Pete Wilson, who as a young man had worked for Nixon. 当他的家人请我和鲍勃.;多尔、亨利
- Their strategy appeared to be the logical extension of William Kristol's advice in his memo to Bob Dole, urging that he block all action on health care. 他们的策略就像是威廉.;克里斯托尔在其给鲍勃
- This hasn't always been successful. Bob Dole was overrun by the longer-named Bill Clinton, but again it was by someone with an unassuming surname and there was only a single syllable difference. 但是,名字简短的候选人也并不总是能够获得成功。鲍勃·杜尔就被比他名字长的比尔·克林顿战胜了,然而“克林顿”本身也是一个谦逊的姓氏,而且和“杜尔”相比也只差一个音节。
- Writer and commentator Norman mailer made the point after the last presidential election that Bill Clinton won because he projected the image of a Hollywood star, while Bob Dole lost because he came across as a supporting actor. 作家兼评论家诺曼·梅勒在上届总统选举后说比尔·克林顿之所以获胜是因为他体现出好莱坞明星的丰采,而鲍勃·多尔却只扮演了一个配角,他的惨败不言自明。
- The former pro quarterback turned fame on the gridiron into a career in national politics and a crusade for lower taxes.Kemp was Bob Dole's running-mate at the 1996 presidential election. 这位前四分卫由橄榄球赛场转换到国家政治角色然后致力于降低税额,他曾是鲍勃参加1996年总统竞选的合作伙伴。
- Bob rode his horse to a standstill. 鲍勃把马骑得走不动了。
- Bob often stirs up a fight between the two boys. 鲍勃经常煽动这两个孩子打架。
- They lived in the uncertainty on the dole. 他们依靠救济金的生活不安定。