- Objective: To study the influence of blooming and Fruiting on the Output and total sapoin and supply the reference for the SOP of Platycodom grandiflorum (Jacq.) A. 摘要目的:研究开花结果对桔梗产量和总皂苷含量的影响,为桔梗规范化生产标准操作规程的制订提供依据。
- The other one bloomed and fruited every year. 另一棵树每年都要开花结果。
- A plant having a life cycle that normally takes two seasons from germination to death to complete; flowering biennials usually bloom and fruit in the second season. 从萌芽到死亡经历两年的植物,两年开一次花,通常在第二年开花结果。
- But it hadn't been mature to take on blooming and fruiting,doing that was a burden for it ,so its fruits were too acerbic to eat and sometimes a group of children attacked it with stones . 但由于这棵树还未成熟,便承担开花结果的责任,累得弯了腰,结的果实也酸涩难吃,还时常招来一群孩子石头的袭击。
- In the fourth place,there are flowers blooming and fruits ripening by rotation in the different months,and there is nothing better than that. 第四,这里在十二个月的循环中,有盛开的花儿和成熟的果实: 宇宙间真没有一样东西比此更好。
- In the fourth place, there are flowers blooming and fruits ripening by rotation in the different months, and there is nothing better than that. 第四,这里在十二个月的循环中,有盛开的花儿和成熟的果实: 宇宙间真没有一样东西比此更好。
- Vegetables and fruit were teamed to market. 蔬菜和水果用联畜运往市场。
- He subsisted mainly on vegetables and fruit. 他主要靠蔬菜和水果维持生命。
- Flowers bloom and fade and another year goes by! 花开花谢又一年。
- Technical Measures of Promoting Blooming and Fruiting of Fruit Bonsai 果树盆景促花·保果技术措施
- Make your partnership bloom and flourish. 愿你们的恩爱开花结果,枝繁叶茂。
- Some bloom and have seeds every year. 有些竹子每年都开花结子。有些竹子则从不开花。
- The moon waxes and wanes;flowers bloom and fade. 月亮圆缺缺复圆,花儿开谢谢又开。
- Flowers bloom and trees grow new leaves. 花朵绽放,树也长出新的叶子。
- A cocktail made of whiskey, bitters, sugar, and fruit. 古典鸡尾酒一种由威士忌、苦味药酒、糖和水果调制成的鸡尾酒
- A tall mixed drink made of various rums, liqueur, and fruit juice. 冰冻果汁鸡尾酒由若干种朗姆酒、甜露酒和果汁配制而成的大杯混合饮料
- European mulberry having dark foliage and fruit. 欧洲种桑树,叶和果实为黑色。
- Willows and fruit trees line every canal. 每条水渠旁都种了柳树和果树。
- The plum trees bloom and brim over with prime plump plums. 李树开了花,结满了上等的,圆滚滚的李子。
- A great breakfast is oatmeal and fruit. 水果和燕麦粥是很好的早餐。