- Blood product reservation 血制品保存
- The transfer of whole blood or blood products from one individual to another. 输血把健康的血或血产品从一个人输到另一个人身上
- Blood product and fluid administration as well as urine output (UO) and estimated blood loss (EBL) were corrected for weight. 我们根据患者的体重来调整血液制品、输液量,以及排尿量(UO)和预计失血量(EBL)。
- Conclusion: Aggressive fluid and blood product replacement in the pediatric population resulted in a disproportional incidence of pulmonary edema. 结论: 小儿肝移植中具有浸润性的液体和血液置换是导致肺水肿发生率不均衡的原因。
- Transfusion of contaminated blood and blood product and use of contaminated, un-sterilized needles and intrusive medical devices may lead to HIV infection. 感染艾滋病病毒的妇女可通过怀孕、娩、乳把病毒传染给孩子。
- There was no proof that CJD could be transmitted through blood products. 没有证据显示疯牛症可经血制品传染。
- Administer blood products and monitor child's response to their infusion. 输血,监护患儿的输血反应。
- There was no proof that CJD could be tra mitted through blood products. 没有证据显示疯牛症可经血制品传染。
- AsC serves as the source of infection to make easily infected group new HBV infectors through mother-baby transmission, iatrogenic infection, blood and blood product pollution, child-to-child transmission and sexual transmission. AsC作为传染源通过母婴传播、医源性传播、血液及血制品污染、生活密切接触传播及性传播,使易感人群成为新的HBV感染(HBV infection,HBI)。
- This paper states that low quality raw material and improper technique proceeding are main factors of affecting product reserving property in preparing UF resin. 本文阐述了在制备脲醛树脂胶的过程中,质量较差的原材料和不当的工艺过程,是影响成品贮存性的主要因素,指出防止生产中出现凝胶等问题的措施。
- It is transmitted primarily by venereal routes or exposure to contaminated blood or blood products. 主要经过性交渠道或接触受感染的血液或血液制品而传播。
- When needed, used properly tested blood, blood products, plasma substitute and own blood to ensure blood safety. 必要时使用检测合格的血液和血液制品,以及血浆代用品或自身血液。
- When needed,used properly tested blood,blood products,plasma substitute and own blood to ensure blood safety. 必要时使用检测合格的血液和血液制品,以及血浆代用品或自身血液。
- Hemophilia is an inherited disorder that prevents blood from clotting properly. The blood products were produced in the United States, often using paid donors. 血友病是一种遗传疾病,血液无法正常凝固。当时使用的血液产品来自美国,经常来自有偿献血者。
- In any event, Arkansas prison blood products found their way to Europe and Japan, and in at least one instance were sent back to the United States itself. 不管怎样,阿肯色州监狱的血浆已设法运到了欧洲和日本,并起码有一批还送回到美国了。
- With the expansion of infection in HIV-positive children and to accept blood products infected with HIV will also be characterized mouth. 随着感染范围的扩大,在HIV阳性的儿童和接受血液制品的HIV感染者也会出现口腔表征。
- Now, the domestic production of blood products, including the coagulation factor VIII, have been strictly dealt with inactivated virus. 现在,国内生产的血液制品,包括第八凝血因子,均经严格病毒灭活处理。
- Een when the benefits of transfusion outweigh the risks, strategies to minimize the use of limited resources such as blood products are essential. 即使输血的益处很明显;也必要把握住关键原则:尽量减少象血制品之类的有限资源的应用.
- B, entered the AIDS virus (HIV) and contaminated blood or blood products without the use of disinfection of contaminated syringes. B、输入了被艾滋病病毒(HIV)污染的血液及血制品或使用了未经消毒的被污染的注射器。
- One example: Duke University Medical Center in North Carolina has reduced its use of transfused blood products by 17 percent in the past 3 1/2 years. 例如:北卡罗来纳州的杜克大学医学中心在过去的3 1/2年中减少17%25的输血量。