- Blister of neck with infection 颈部水泡伴感染
- Nonvenomous insect bite of neck with infection 颈部无毒昆虫咬伤伴感染
- Blister of neck without infection 颈部水泡不伴感染
- Blister of chest wall with infection 胸壁水疱伴感染
- I rubbed the back of my neck with my left hand. 我用左手摸了摸我的后颈.;心里一阵紧张
- Blister of finger with infection 手指水疱伴感染
- Blister of abdominal wall with infection 腹壁水泡伴感染
- Blister of axilla with infection 腋部水疱伴感染
- Blister of breast with infection 乳房水泡伴感染
- Sleep was pushing at the back of his neck with soft, heavy hands. 睡眠,似乎在用柔软而沉重的双手,推着他的脖子后面。
- Blister of buttock with infection 臀部水泡伴感染
- Blister of forearm with infection 前臂水疱伴感染
- To repair skin defect of face and neck with expended skin flap. 应用皮肤扩张术修复面颈部皮肤缺损。
- The two contestants are neck and neck with 20 points each. 比赛双方各得20分,打成平局。
- Blister of interscapular region with infection 肩胛间区水疱伴感染
- Blister of perineum with infection 会阴水疱伴感染
- Blister of scapular region with infection 肩胛区水疱伴感染
- Blister of scrotum with infection 阴囊水泡伴感染
- She wiped her face and neck with a towel . 她用毛巾擦脸和脖子。
- Including deep fascia of neck and musculas p... 包括颈阔肌、颈深筋膜的彻底松解是手术成功的关键。