- Blister of ear with infection 耳水疱伴感染
- Nonvenomous insect bite of ear with infection 耳部无毒昆虫咬伤伴感染
- Blister of ear without infection 耳水疱不伴感染
- Blister of chest wall with infection 胸壁水疱伴感染
- Blister of finger with infection 手指水疱伴感染
- Blister of abdominal wall with infection 腹壁水泡伴感染
- Blister of axilla with infection 腋部水疱伴感染
- Blister of breast with infection 乳房水泡伴感染
- Blister of buttock with infection 臀部水泡伴感染
- The cataract deafened the ear with its roar. 瀑布的声音震耳欲聋。
- Blister of forearm with infection 前臂水疱伴感染
- Blister of interscapular region with infection 肩胛间区水疱伴感染
- Blister of perineum with infection 会阴水疱伴感染
- I got the minister on the ear with a potato. 我用土豆打中了部长的耳朵。
- Blister of scapular region with infection 肩胛区水疱伴感染
- Blister of scrotum with infection 阴囊水泡伴感染
- Open wound of auricle of ear with complication 耳廓开放性外伤伴并发症
- Blister of shoulder with infection 肩部水疱伴感染
- Open wound of ear with complication 耳开放性外伤伴并发症
- Blister of testis with infection 睾丸水疱伴感染