- Blechnidium melanopusn. 乌木蕨
- An Old World beetle (Oulema melanopus) now found in the United States, where it is a serious pest of grain crops as a result of its consumption of cereal grasses. 橙足负泥虫,黑角负泥虫:一种东半球甲虫(黑角负泥虫禾谷负泥虫属),现发现于美国,以谷类作物为食,是危害严重的害虫
- Different degrees of B. melanopus stress could induce the synthesis of 23 aromatic constituents like 1,6-methylene annulene, but inhibit the formation of 6 constituents as nonanal. 不同程度的侵害胁迫,能诱导形成不同种类的芳香物质的合成;侵害处理可诱导1;6-亚甲基轮烯等23种物质的形成,同时也可抑制壬醛等6种物质的形成.
- Basilepta melanopus Lefevre stress 荣角胸叶甲胁迫
- The effect on the component contents in fresh leaves of Lingtou Dancong tea plant by moderate damage of Basilepta melanopus 茶角胸叶甲适度侵害对岭头单枞茶鲜叶内含成分的影响
- Blechnidiumn. 乌木蕨属
- Basilepta melanopus Lefevre 茶角胸叶甲
- Draba melanopusn. 天山葶苈
- Basilepta melanopusn. 黑足角胸肖叶甲
- Polyporus melanopusn. 黑柄多孔菌