- Mask Eye - Check this option to render the fisheye only. This will show a round image in the center with a black mask outside. 眼罩-这个选项仅用于渲染鱼眼效果。勾选后将在中心渲染出圆形的图象,并在图象外部有一个黑色的遮罩。
- The ad portraits a fisher in black wearing a black mask. 活动广告上画有一个穿著黑衣戴黑口罩的渔夫。
- The thief wore a black mask so that no one could recognize him. 这小偷戴了黑色的面具,以至于没有人能认出他来。
- Move the map layer below the feathered white eye lid layer. 将地图图层拖到眼球图层的下面。
- With a white eye stripe extends back above the ears feather crest, the Aedes ears following black feathers, at the moment there was a white spot. 眼后有一道白色条纹向后延伸至耳羽上方的羽冠处,白纹下面的耳羽为黑色,眼下有一块白斑。
- They need black mask to attend the ceremony in Sanaa, the capital of Yemen. 也门首都萨那,大学毕业生蒙黑面纱参加毕业典礼。
- Single-semidouble pale blue pansy/variable creamy white eye, yellow streaks. 单瓣到半重瓣浅蓝色堇型花,变异时有奶油白的眼,黄色线条。
- Great horns jut out above its solid white eyes. 巨大的角和触须在他谨慎的白眼睛上方伸出。
- That's after he had his senile grandmother wear a black mask and hold a handgun all for a video on thug life. 此前他迫使他年迈的奶奶在视频上戴着一副黑色面罩,手拿一把手枪扮演暴徒的角色。
- One of a secret band of mounted,usually masked white men who engaged in nocturnal terrorism for revenge or intimidation in the southern United States especially during Reconstruction. 夜间骑行的人,美国南部夜间蒙面骑行的白人秘密组织的一员,他们进行暴力活动以达到惩罚或恐怖目的,尤其在南北战争后的重建时期。
- "I felt you when you entered the Hoth system." The woman spoke again, now looking back straightly into Vader's black mask. “当你进入霍思的时候我感觉到了你。”女人又说话了,这一次她直直地回盯着维达的黑色面罩。
- One of a secret band of mounted, usually masked white men who engaged in nocturnal terrorism for revenge or intimidation in the southern United States especially during Reconstruction. 夜间骑行的人美国南部夜间蒙面骑行的白人秘密组织的一员,他们进行暴力活动以达到惩罚或恐怖目的,尤其在南北战争后的重建时期
- Single-semidouble pale blue pansy/variable creamy white eye, yellow streaks. Dark green, serrated. Large. 单瓣到半重瓣浅蓝色堇型花,变异时有奶油白的眼,黄色线条。深绿色叶有锯齿叶缘。大型。
- It is bluish gray from the crown to the upper back, and its fairly wide black eyeline that extends from its forehead to its nape gives it the appearance of wearing a black mask. 头顶至上背部灰蓝色,自额前起有一条很宽的黑色过眼线,看起来像戴上一个黑眼罩。
- White eyes looking at the tears, I said nothing, but lamented. 看着白烟眼上的泪珠,我什么也没有说了,只是哀叹。
- As a result, he must be the embodiment of Zorro, covert operations, including the first line of Zorro's black mask, black hat, black cloak, black horse, sword and bullwhip. 因此,他必须化身佐罗、秘密行动,佐罗的行头包括黑面具、黑帽子、黑斗篷、黑坐骑、佩剑和长鞭。
- Bird - Black-headed Gull Appearance Adult with chocolate brown head in summer, white in winter, narrow white eye rings, deep red bill and legs, measures about 40cm. 成鸟头部的羽毛在夏季呈深啡色,冬季转为白色,有细长的白色眼眶,嘴及双脚深红色,身长约40厘米。
- During the selection process, the white eye with phenotype was the first selected goal, followed by the ebony body kept and the long winglet was discarded. 在选育过程中,以白眼作为第一目标选择性状,第二步选择黑檀体性状,淘汰长翅性状,最后提纯白眼黑檀体和小翅个体。
- Black and white show a striking contrast. 黑和白形成明显的对比。
- It was Mrs. Dalton, her white eyes held wide and stony, her hands lifted sensitively upward toward her lips. 是道尔顿太太,她那双白白的眼睛睁得很大,毫无表情,她的两只手敏感地往上举向她的嘴唇。