- Black plastic film mulching 黑膜覆盖
- Effect of plastic film mulching on crop yield and nitrogen efficiency in semiarid areas. 半干旱地区地膜覆盖对作物产量和氮效率的影响。
- The increasing in grain yield was about 10.3%, 8.9%, 23.2%respectively as compared with the plastic film mulch, the straw mulch and the unmulched cultivatiom. 稻谷产量较地膜覆盖、秸秆覆盖、露地旱作栽培分别增产10.;3%25;8
- The yield, water use efficiency, dry weight, soluble protein and sugar of radish under plastic film mulching with different culture ways were studied. 摘要采用小区试验的方法研究地膜覆盖平作和高畦作方式下萝卜产量、水分利用效率、干物质、可溶性糖和蛋白质积累。
- Therefore,the yield product was markedly increased by using salt-tolerant wheat cultivar and plastic film mulching cultivation in saline soils. 利用耐盐小麦品种进行覆膜穴播显著提高盐碱地小麦产量。
- Plastic film mulching markedly increased biomass per a plant,flag leaf area,tillers per unit soil area,grains per ear and 1 000-grain weight. 覆膜显著增加单株生物量、旗叶面积、亩穗数、穗粒数和千粒重。
- Underground water quality in rice field under plastic film mulching cultivation was monitored during rice growth period. 对水稻覆膜旱作条件下稻田地下水水质变化作了动态检测。
- The integrated effects exhibited grass mulching> plastic film mulching > shallow scarification > soil surface scarification > the control. 综合各种效应,不同处理优劣顺序为覆草>盖膜>浅松土>表层松土>对照。
- Steel pole, old-fibreglass ribs, black plastic handle, hidden lattice nylon cloth cover, translucent plastic film packing, both for rainy and sunny use. 钢杆,老年玻纤伞骨,方黑塑弯柄,隐格尼伞面,透明膜包装,晴雨兼用。
- The results also showed that plastic film mulching increased N accumulation from reviving stage to harvesting stage and N translocation during reproductive stage. 覆膜亦能显著增加冬小麦各生育期氮素的积累,提高氮素转移量;
- In maize rhisophere, maize root reduced the percentage of antibacterial and antifungal by 59.7% and 45.2% compared with maize bulk soil under plastic film mulching. 覆膜处理中,玉米根系可使抗细菌、抗真菌拮抗菌比率较根外分别降低59.;7%25、45
- This paper systematically analysed the interplanted corn with spring wheat by the plastic film mulching and the influence on the root system, growth period and habit and the crop yield. 本文系统分析了春小麦套种玉米地膜覆盖栽培对作物根系、生育期和生长特征及产量形成的影响。
- The three treatments, including water-permeability plastic membrane mulching, common plastic film mulching and open grounding were carried out to contrast their economical effects. 摘要采用渗水地膜覆盖、普通地膜覆盖和露地3个处理,对比分析三者的生态效应。
- The man is carrying a small black plastic handbag. 这个人提着一个黑色的小塑料提袋。
- Plant Black plastic mulch can help keep them warm. 黑色塑料护盖物能帮助保暖。
- Black plastic mulch can help keep them warm. 用黑塑料护根能帮助它们保持温暖。
- Like Black plastic m mulch can help keep them warm. 黑色塑料护盖物能帮助保暖。
- Snail control effect by plastic film mulching 塑料薄膜封闭灭螺效果初步观察
- Black plastic mouch mulch can help keep them warm. 黑色塑料护盖物能帮助保暖。
- Soaking the cuttings base with 10 -3 IBA for three minutes can also make an effect on the growing of roots and branches, but if the cutting bed is covered with black plastic films or straws, the effect will be better. 单独采用 1 0 - 3吲哚丁酸浸泡插条基部进行促根处理 ,对根系和枝梢生长有一定促进作用 ,但效果不明显 ,若同时以黑地膜或杂草覆盖 ,则效果较明显 ;