- Black is The Night Monica 黑色午夜
- How much is the room for the night? 这间房间住今天一个晚上要多少钱?
- It is the night for going out and having fun. 此晚是外出和玩乐的时间。
- Come to the window, sweet is the night air! 来吧,到窗边来,夜晚的空气多么甜美!
- Dark is the night, I can weather the storm. 漆黑的夜里,我接受暴风雨的洗礼。
- Deep is the night In a valley of forests in Korea. 深夜在高丽之国的日谷山林中。
- An owl is the king of the night. 猫头鹰是黑夜之王。
- Black is the colour - Cara Dillon 卡兰. 心里难过,发的歌也是黑色的。。。。
- Ah, that is the most gentlest love in the night! 啊,那夜色里最是轻柔的爱慕啊!
- The lady dressed in black is his aunt. 那位身著黑色衣服的女士是他的姑妈。
- This is the room where he put up for the night. 这就是他渡过夜晚的那房子。
- How is the night life in Guangzhou, Mike? 广州的夜生活怎么样,迈克?
- How much is the room for the night ? 这间房间住今天一个晚上要多少钱?
- Tranquil and tender is the night. 夜是静寂的,柔和的。
- Sorest hurting is forgives the blackest black is the betrayal. 最、疼的疼是原谅;最、黑的黑是背叛.
- It is the night of the dear saviors birth! 这是晚了亲爱救世主诞生了!
- Davidson Black is the anatomist and anthropologist of Canada. 步达生是加拿大解剖学家与人类学家。
- The color of black is popular among clergies,and that is the symbol of power. 黑色在那时受到神职人员的青睐,是权威的象征。
- My brother is the black sheep of the family. 我弟弟是我们家的害群之马。