- He wears a black patch over his right eye. 他右眼上戴著黑色的眼罩。
- Black Patch War "深色烟草种植园"战争(1904-1909)
- He had a black patch over one eye. 他一只眼戴着黑眼罩。
- Eurasiatic sandgrouse with a black patch on the belly. 腹部有黑色斑点的欧亚大陆的沙鸡。
- They turned off the main road, past a black patch of common-garden, where sooty cabbage stumps stood shameless. 她们拐下大路,路过一片黑乎乎的菜园。一棵棵白菜根昂首挺胸地立在地上,上面盖满了黑灰。
- Spotted doves are featured by a distinctive black patch with white spots on the back of the neck. 珠颈斑鸠的特徵是颈部黑底白点的颈带,非常鲜明。
- Some units, however, wore the black AFV uniform, and consequently the black patch without skull devices. 一些单位,然而,身穿黑色afv均匀,因此,黑色颅骨修补程序装置。
- The dog's coat is white with black patches. 这只狗的皮毛白色中带有黑斑。
- Where current telescopes see a black patch of space, it would see a throng of dim objects. 以目前的望远镜,只能看到一片漆黑的天空,未来的望远镜将能看到一大群黯淡的物体。
- "Black patch psychosis" is now something ophthalmologists watch for on the wards. “黑眼罩精神错乱”现在已成为眼科大夫在眼科病房术后巡视时留心的一种症状。
- They turned off the main road, past a black patch of common-garden, where sooty cabbage stumps stood shameless . 她们拐下大路,路过一片黑乎乎的菜园。一棵棵白菜根昂首挺胸地立在地上,上面盖满了黑灰。
- Himmler -- it must have galled him--had shaved off his mustache, tied a black patch over his left eye and donned an Army private's uniform. 希姆莱剃去了胡子(这一定使他很不高兴),左眼上贴着一块黑眼罩,换上了陆军士兵制服。
- The Blackpatch Triggerfish fish is very easily identified because, as the name states, it has a black patch on the middle lower part of its';body. 毒吻棘鲀(黑腹炮弹)很好认出来因为就像他的名字;他有黑色斑点在他身体的中下方.
- During the war we had to black out all our windows. 战时我们必须用黑布遮着窗口以免透光。
- The sky was horribly dark, but one could distinctly see tattered clouds, and between them fathomless black patches. 天空黑得可怕,不过还能清晰地分辨出被撕碎的云块,云块之间是一个个无底的黑斑。
- The Prince Charles (tricolor) consists of a pearly white ground, with evenly distributed black patches, solid black ears and black face markings. 查尔斯王子色(三色)有珍珠白底色,均匀地分布着黑色斑纹,整个黑色的耳朵和脸上上的黑色斑纹。
- He was in black from crew to earing. 他全身上下都穿着黑衣服。
- Numerous colour varieties of this species exists which may have a yellowish, whitish or blueish background colour and a different number, position and size of black patches. 存在着很多不同颜色,可能是蛋黄的、带白色的或者是蓝色的底色并且有不同的数量、位置和尺寸的黑斑。
- He whipped up a pistol and shot at the black bear. 他急忙抓起手枪,向那头黑熊射击。
- Many people were taken off by the Black Plague. 许多人被黑死病夺去了生命。