- The Black Mamba lives in South Africa. 黑曼巴居住在南非。
- The Black Mamba is as cold-blooded as ever. 黑色曼巴比以往更加冷血。
- Pretty scary.A Black Mamba indeed. 哇,黑曼巴真是相当恐怖!
- Power Snake Black Mamba (reserved!! 最近买了太多的电源线!又出2条........
- The Black Mamba is the most deadly snake in the world. 黑曼巴是世界上最致命的蛇。
- Bryant, aka 81, aka Black Mamba, aka KB24 is the one. 布莱恩特,又名81分先生,又名黑巴鳗蛇,又名kb24就是他。
- Bryant is the league kingpin, the self-titled Black Mamba. 科比是当今联盟最出色的球员,自称“黑色曼巴”。
- Before antivenins were developed, a black mamba bite was 100% fatal. 在antivenins之前被发展,黑曼巴咬是100%25死亡事故。
- He flouts the same off-season dedication as his Airness and the Black Mamba. 戈登像他的偶像“飞人”乔丹和“黑曼巴”科比一样,在休季期间同样是努力刻苦训练。
- In some cases, you will literally be able to reach out and touch the Black Mamba for yourself. 在某些情况下,你会字面上可以达到和触摸黑曼巴吧。
- Bryant's fans certainly will kill me because I put the Black Mamba in the second row. 科比的球迷肯定会把我杀了,因为我把这条黑曼巴排在第二名。
- But as long as the "BLACK MAMBA" still roams the courts, he will have to play second fiddle. 但是只要当“黑曼巴”还在球场漫步的时候,他就不得不坐第二把交椅。
- I think his positive influence on Black Mamba will be one of the most underrated elements to this season. 我认为他给“黑色曼巴”产生的积极影响是本赛季球队能够取得如此出色成就的最被低估的因素之一。
- When in the striking position,the Black Mamba flattens its neck, hisses very loudly,and displays its inky black mouth and deadly fangs. 当黑曼巴要发起攻击时,它伸出脖子,发出响亮的嘶嘶声,露出他黑漆漆的嘴还有那致命的牙齿。
- The Black Mamba's bite is potentially fatal.Without treatment the mortality rate is 100%,the highest among all venomous snakes in the world. 黑曼巴的咬伤是极其致命的,没有进行治疗,其死亡率为100%25,这是世界上在所有毒蛇中最高的。
- With five regular season games left and then the playoffs, hopefully the Lakers snap out of it and the Black Mamba we all know so well is unleashed. 还剩5场常规赛,接着就是季后赛,湖人还是很有希望重新振作;还有我们都再熟悉不过的黑曼巴,出击。
- Though the Magic suffered its worst loss of the 2009 playoffs, the Black Mamba can't finish off his potential prey in one game. 虽然魔术队本场遭遇今年季后赛最大的失利,但是科比不能够只用一场比赛就会让他们束手就擒。
- Not insignificantly, Kobe loved him some Tough Juice, but even the mighty Black Mamba or whatever couldn't keep Butler around. 这并不是毫无意义的,科比很喜欢巴特勒,但即使是强大无比的“黑曼巴”也没能留住巴特勒。
- Bryant's 3-pointer made it 102-91 and then the self-proclaimed "Black Mamba" slithered down the lane for two quick baskets that got the Lakers within 104-95. 科比的3分球将比赛定格在102-91,接着自称“黑色曼巴蛇”的他连续两个快攻上篮将比分变成104-95。
- The in-game microphone on Kobe Bryant, aka "the Black Mamba," could make known the snake-like hissing sound he makes as a subtler way to tell his teammates to get him the ball. 科比比赛时带着麦克风,犹如"黑色曼巴",可以象蛇一般发出嘶嘶声以一种微妙的方式告诉他的队友们传球给他。