- Better Black Hawk wash-off effects. 改进了黑鹰直升机起飞时的画面效果。
- Farewell, my nation! Farewell to Black Hawk. 别了,我的祖国!别了,我的黑鹰!
- Black hawk and apachean is double T700 engine? 黑鹰和阿帕奇都是双T700发动机?
- Black Hawk Crew have died due to excessive blood loss. 黑鹰机组成员由于失血过多而死亡。
- They flew into Mogadishu in Black Hawk helicopters in broad daylight. 他们在大白天乘坐黑鹰直升机飞入了摩加迪沙。
- The respect for respectability was stronger than any desire in Black Hawk youth. 黑鹰镇的年青人对身份和体面的尊重是比什么欲望都强烈。
- The Black Hawk boys looked forward to marrying Black Hawk girls, and living in a brand-new little house. 黑鹰镇的小伙子们希望的是娶上黑鹰镇的姑娘,住在崭新的小巧玲珑的屋子里。
- The Black Hawk was developed to meet a US Army requirement for a UH-1 Iroquois replacement in 1972. 黑鹰是于1972年按照美国陆军的要求进行设计的,目的是替代UH-1伊洛魁直升机。
- The Black Hawk was selected for production and the UH-60A entered service with the US Army in 1979. 最终黑鹰中标量产,UH-60A于1979年进入美国陆军服役。
- Enraged Somalis dragged the body of the slain Black Hawk crew chief through the streets of Mogadishu. 愤怒的索马里人拖着被杀害的黑鹰机长的尸体走过摩加迪沙的大街小巷。
- China has Black Hawks but that picture is not a Black Hawk. 除了照片上的俄制直升机,大陆原来也有黑鹰直升机!
- Black Hawk Remote Control of H2O full source code, including the charging system, very useful. 黑鹰远控之H2O完整源代码,包括收费系统,非常实用。
- Earlier this month, a Black Hawk with 12 aboard crashed in bad weather near the northern city of Tal Afar. 本月早前时候,一架黑鹰在恶劣天气中坠毁机上十二名成员死亡。
- The Sikorsky H-60 series, which named BLACK HAWK, is medium weight multi-purpose helicopter. 美国的H-60系列“黑鹰”中型多用途直升机是由西科斯基公司研制的。
- US military says a BLACK HAWK helicopter went down northern Iraq, killing all 14 soldiers onboard. 美军宣布:一架黑鹰直升机在伊拉克北部坠落,机上14名士兵全部丧生。
- THE smell of the Afghan poppy season is unmistakable, even from the open door of a Black Hawk helicopter. 又到了阿富汗罂粟成熟的季节。甚至在黑鹰直升机上就可以闻到罂粟花的气息。
- The US military says a Black Hawk helicopter went down in northern Iraq, killing all 14 soldiers onboard. 美军说一架黑鹰直升机在伊拉克北部坠毁,机上14名士兵全部遇难。
- An Australian military Black Hawk helicopter crashed Thursday near an air force base, at least one person was critically injured. 澳大利亚军方的一架黑鹰直升飞机星期四在一个空军基地附近坠毁,至少一个人受重伤。
- The GFS operates a fleet of 11 aircraft: six Sikorsky S-76 and three S-70(Black Hawk) helicopters and two Beech Super King Air aeroplanes. 政府飞行服务队现时拥有11架飞机,包括西科斯基S-76直升机6架、S-70(黑鹰)直升机3架,以及超级空中霸王飞机两架。
- American Sauk leader who aided the United States in the Black Hawk War(1832) and negotiated peace between his people and the Sioux(1837). 基奥卡克美国索克人领袖,在黑鹰战争(1832年)中帮助了美国,并通过谈判使他的人与苏族人讲和(1837年)