- Syntactical Features of Black English Vernacular 黑人英语的句法特征
- Black English is similar to Chinese in a way. 黑人英语有一点像汉语。
- Black English can be more expressive than standard English. 黑人使用的英语可能比标准英语更富有表达力。
- On May third, I want the on duty.Once at this time in, I want to review my English vernacular speech, serving for the Olympic game. 五月三日,我要值班。曾这时间里,我要复习一下我的英语口语,为奥运会服务。
- Hence, the lexicon of the Black English is determined by Black culture. 因此,黑人文化决定了黑人语汇的应用。
- The teacher asks me up the university how to will learn English hereafter, I tell she says:Attended an English association, and the ego feel English vernacular speech have a progress. 老师问我上大学以后怎么学英语的,我告诉她说:参加了一个英语社团,而且自我感觉英语口语有所进步。
- He felt his slender height, encased in his black English suit, unfold like an elegant and surprising weapon. 他感觉到他那穿着黑色英国服装的细长身材象一件精致的,出人意料的武器一样舒展开来。
- Black English is as perfect as Standard American English, and in sounds it is equally distinctive. 黑人英语和标准美国英语一样完美,在语音上也同样有特色。
- The assumption that Black English is “genetically inferior”, “deficient”, and “incomplete”, is simply ungrounded. 认为黑人语言是一种所谓的“天生劣等”、“欠缺性”、“非完整”的语言的观点是不正确的。
- As a variety of English, American Black English(ABE for short)is different from standard English in phonology, syntax, and lexicon. 由于英语语言的多样性 ,美国黑人英语 (简称ABC)在语音 ,句法和词素等方面与标准英语有所不同。
- One prominent syntactic feature is the frequent absence of various forms of the copula “be” in Black English, which are required of Standard English. 黑人英语中一个显著的特征是系词be的不同形式经常出现空位的情况,而这些be形式在标准英语中却是必须要求存在的。
- Racial discrimination, accompanied by social isolation, intensified some dialectal differences between Black English and Standard English. 种族歧视和隔离政策加剧了黑人英语与美国标准英语之间的差异,也使黑人英语使用者难以融入美国主流社会。
- Jim was an ordinary slave plantations, Mark Twain use of black English, succeeded in portraying the status of an underground, of flesh and blood, lifelike image of black slaves. 吉姆是一位普普通通的种植园的黑奴,马克吐温运用黑人英语,成功地刻画出了一个地位地下,有血有肉,栩栩如生的黑奴形象。
- I can speak Black English. 我能说黑人英语。
- He was in black from crew to earing. 他全身上下都穿着黑衣服。
- He whipped up a pistol and shot at the black bear. 他急忙抓起手枪,向那头黑熊射击。
- Many people were taken off by the Black Plague. 许多人被黑死病夺去了生命。
- The man is carrying a small black plastic handbag. 这个人提着一个黑色的小塑料提袋。
- The old trade in black ivory is on more. 昔日非洲黑奴的买卖已不复存。
- The black sedan suddenly drew out into the traffic. 黑色轿车突然开动,驶进了车流。