- A small fish in big pond or big fish in small pond! 小鱼在大池塘还是大鱼在小池塘?千万不要是后者啊!
- Fenn was a man who had a big pond of his own. 他夏天卖冰,而水塘就是造冰用的。
- I'm not really sure I want to be a little fish in a big pond. 我不是真的很确定我想成为一条大池里的小鱼。
- Her house is a species that has such a big pond, all Lotus. 她家是种荷的,有这样大的池塘,全是莲藕。
- A small fish in a big pond? or a big fish in a small pond? 关键是你愿意做大池塘里的一只小鱼,还是小池塘里的一只大鱼?
- Arriving home, the little fish described the wonders of the beautiful big pond. 到家之后,小鱼仔描绘了那个漂亮的大池塘的奇妙之处。
- In this large company,even a fairly successful man is likely to feel like a little frog in a big pond. 在这家在公司里,即使颇有成就的人也觉得自己是一个无足轻重的人。
- When John transferred to a larger high school,he found himself a small frog in a big pond. 约翰转到一所规模更大的中学时,他感到在这个大集体中自己很渺小。
- When Tom transterred to a larger high school,he found himself a small frog in a big pond. 当汤姆转学到一所较大的中学后,他发觉自己是个无足轻重的人。
- I'd like to be a big fish in a small pond rather than a small fish in a big pond. 宁做鸡头,不作凤尾。
- On one side there was a meadow and on the other face, just behind the willow there was a big pond. 长椅的一面是一片草地,长椅的另一面,也就是柳树的后面有一片池塘。
- When John transferred to a larger high school, he found himself a small frog in a big pond. 约翰转到一所规模更大的中学时,他感到在这个大集体中自己很渺小。
- When Tom transterred to a larger high school, he found himself a small frog in a big pond. 当汤姆转学到一所较大的中学后,他发觉自己是个无足轻重的人。
- In this large company, even a fairly successful man is likely to feel like a little frog in a big pond. 在这家在公司里,即使颇有成就的人也觉得自己是一个无足轻重的人。
- But it could also mean a larger fish is suddenly a guppy in a bigger pond. 但它可能也意味着,一条比较大的鱼游到一个大池塘后会突然变成小不点。
- I always think men's heart should like ocean, at least like a big pond, women like? Fish, moving and living inside freely. 我一直觉得男人的内心,应该象大海,即使不是大海,也该是个大鱼缸,女人就像里面的鱼。
- Our firm is likely to reap a big profit this year. 今年我们公司很可能获得巨额利润。
- That little bop made away with the big pie. 小男孩把大馅饼吃光了。
- In our school, professor Johnson is a big fish in a small pond. 约翰逊教授在我们学校,就像是小池里的大鱼,英雄无用武之地了。
- The big dog leapt up at the little girl. 那条大狗跳起来朝小女孩扑去。