- Big Buddhist Temple in Zhangye 张掖大佛寺
- Brahmavihara Arama is the biggest Buddhist temple in Bali. 位于宁静的小山顶,它俯瞰山谷、稻田和大海。
- There is a Buddhist temple in this town. 在这个镇上有一座佛教寺庙。
- At a Zen Buddhist temple in southern Japan, even the dog prays. 在日本南部一处佛教禅寺,就连狗狗都会拜拜。
- It is one of the most famous Buddhist temples in China. 它是我国佛教禅宗十大刹之一。
- Grave of Ashikaga no Yorimasa at Shokokuji, a Buddhist temple in Kyoto, Japan. 作为本作品的创作者,我将本作品著作相关权利贡献于公有领域。
- A Buddhist temple in Nagano, Japan withdrew as the scheduled starting site for relay, a temple official said Friday. 日本取消在长野一个寺庙作为长野火炬接力出发点的安排,该寺庙的官员这样说。
- Lies Longgang for Australia (the South Pacific Ocean biggest Buddhist temple), donates money 1,500,000 Australian Dollar, hopes the will of the people mercy, the people to do good deeds. 为澳大利亚卧龙港(南太平洋最大的佛教寺庙),捐款1,500,000澳元,希望人心慈悲,人心向善。
- The last part is the conclusion, which makes an analysis of the characteristics of the economy of Buddhist temple in the Middle Ancient period. 第五部分结语,对中古时期寺院经济发展历程作出概括。
- The Longshan Buddhist Temple is one of the oldest temples in Taipei. 龙山寺是台北历史最悠久的古寺之一。
- Mongolian sumo grand champion Asashoryu,left,and Hakuho throw packs of parched soybeans to the crowd at the Naritasan Shinshoji Buddhist temple in Narita,Feb.3,2009. 2月3日,蒙古籍的日本相扑冠军朝青龙(左)和白鹏在日本成田山神社向众人抛撒热的大豆。
- The Jokhang, also called the Jokhang Temple or the Jokhang Monastery, is a famous Buddhist temple in Lhasa, Tibet.It is probably the most popular tourist attraction in Lhasa. 大昭寺是西藏现存最辉煌的吐蕃时期的建筑,也是西藏现存最古老的土木结构建筑,开创了藏式平川式的寺庙布局规式。
- The Mystery Monastery is the first temple of the Sukhavati Sect and a principal Buddhist temple in Northern China. Obviously, the Monastery occupies an important position in the history of Buddhism in China. 玄中寺成为我国佛教净土宗的祖庙和中国北方的主要道场,在中国佛教史上有十分重要的地位。
- The old monkpassed away in the Buddhist temple. 老和尚在寺院中圆寂。
- Located in Zhangye young West Street. 座落于张掖青年西街。
- Emperor Wanli order Feng Bao ,an eunuch in charge of royal ceremony affairs to supervise construction of Buddhist temple in an effort to realize his deceased father's unfulfilled wish. 据明代史料载,万历五年三月,神宗朱翊钧承先帝穆宗遗愿,命司礼太监冯保在京西督造佛寺,以贮汉经。
- The old monk passed away in the Buddhist temple. 老和尚在寺院中圆寂。
- Former Chinese actress and business celebrity Chen Xiaoxu has taken the tonsure at a Buddhist temple in Changchun, capital of Jilin province in northeast China, her husband told a newspaper Sunday. 曾经的中国籍女演员、商界名人陈晓旭的丈夫周日向一家报社披露,陈晓旭已在中国东北的吉林省省会长春的一座寺庙削发为尼。
- Saicho, sea and air, respectively, the creation of Japan’s Tiantai and Shingon, and follow the example of the Tang dynasty, created a Japanese Buddhist Temple in the mountains in our community. 最澄、空海分别创立了日本的天台宗和真言宗,并且仿效唐朝,开创了日本佛教在山岳建寺的风气。
- Pilu Temple is located in the western suburbs of the city of Shijiazhuang Village, Beijing, China is an ancient Buddhist temple in order to preserve the ancient murals are beautiful and famous. 毗卢寺位于石家庄市西郊上京村,是中国佛教一座古老庙宇,以保存有精美的古代壁画而闻名。