- Bible and Bible Study Tools 圣经及研经工具
- Blessed are the husband and wife who set aside some time every day for worship, prayer and Bible study. 每天保留时间敬拜神的夫妻有福了,他们的研经、祷告必蒙悅纳。
- To quip working Christians to grow spiritually and be able to serve the Lord in churches and Bible study Groups. 帮助平常上班的弟兄姐妹不仅在主里有长进,也能在教会或查经班有效的服事主。
- Provides ideas to develop long term, positive spiritual habits, including prayer, confession, worship, and Bible study. 图书性质:全价/非现货图书(想了解什么是非现货图书,请点击这里)
- Chinese English Bible Study Tools 圣经研读网
- Even prayer and Bible study cannot continue to protect against a presumptuous choice to watch alluring sinful scenes and listen to corrupting words and sounds. 对他们来说,任何宣扬自我否定或自我约束的生活方式的教义都是坏消息。
- Many Christians use the Internet to access sermons and Bible studies material not available or restricted inside China. 许多中国基督徒上网阅读在国内难求的圣经和研经资料,更有许多按时收听或观看讲道。
- Free Pancake Lunch and Bible Study 免费蛋饼午餐;和圣经学习
- Both read the same Bible and pray to the same God. 双方信奉同一宗教,敬拜同一上帝。
- The Bible and Koran are sacred writings. 圣经>>和都是宗教性著作.
- They took for guides the Bible and their own consciences. 这些人以圣经和自己的良心作指针。
- Pastor Joshua has Bible study everyday. 约书亚传道每日进行圣经教导。
- Move out of the cage.Pick up your clothes and Bible. 出去,去领你们的衣服和圣经。
- The Bible and Our Public Debate By James R. Edwards Jr. 圣经和我们的公共讨论。
- The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. 又名圣经与书册纽约了望塔协会。
- No doubt we often did this with a Bible and prayerbook. 毫无疑问,我们经常手握圣经、祷文去做这种事。
- Part one of a Chinese Bible Study of Philippians 1:1. 腓利比书1:1中文圣经学习的第一部分.
- Books , gift items , and Bibles in Arabic . 书籍;礼品;和圣经在阿拉伯语.
- No one ever graduates from Bible study until he meets its Author face to face. 直到与圣经作者面对面相遇之前,没有人能从圣经研读中毕业。
- Next week, both of prayer meeting and north Bible study will suspend once. 下星期祷告会和北部查经会都暂停一次。