- Berteroa incanan. 团扇荠
- Preliminary Study on the Dwarfing Effects of Three Chemicals on Matthiola incana R.Br. 三种药剂对紫罗兰的矮化效应。
- Factor Affecting the Protoplast Fusion Culture between Brassica napus L. And Matthiola incana B. 甘蓝型油菜与紫罗兰融合体培养的影响因素研究。
- Primary study on distant hybridization between Brassica napus L. And Matthiola incana B. 甘蓝型油菜与紫罗兰远缘杂交亲和性初探。
- Title: Extraction and Component Analysis of the Volatile Oil from Caryopteris Incana (Thunb.) Miq. 关键词:兰香草;挥发油;芳樟醇;紫苏醇;化学成分
- Matthiola incana is a plant of Matthiola of cruciferae , originated in the south Europe , and cultivated as a ornamental plant in our country . 紫罗兰(Matthiola incana)是十字花科紫罗兰属植物,原产欧洲南部,我国各地栽培供观赏用。
- Matthiola incana (Linnaeus) R. Brown is widely cultivated as an ornamental in China, but it is not known to have become naturalized. 林尼厄斯)R.;棕色在广泛栽培作为一观赏在中国内,但是不知道变得归化。
- Caryopteris incana Miq. 兰香草
- Caryopteris incana(Thunb.)Miq. 兰香草
- Botany Any of several Eurasian and Mediterranean plants of the genus Matthiola in the mustard family, especially M. incana, widely cultivated for its clusters of showy, variously colored flowers. 紫罗兰:任一种生长于欧洲和地中海的十字花科紫罗兰属植物,尤指欧洲南部紫罗兰,因其开大而炫丽的彩色花而被广泛种植
- Caryopteris incana yellow spot virus 假菊黄斑病毒
- Study on Hypocotyl Protoplast Isolation of Matthiola incana 紫罗兰下胚轴原生质体分离条件的研究
- Callus induction and shoot regeneration of Matthiola incana 紫罗兰愈伤组织诱导及植株再生的研究
- Keywords Caryopteris incana(Thunb.)Miq.;volatile oil;linalool;perillalcohol;chemical compositions; 兰香草;挥发油;芳樟醇;紫苏醇;化学成分;
- Berteroan. 团扇荠属
- Berteroa Potaninin. 大果团扇荠
- Growth of Jasminum sambac, Calendula officinalis, Matthiola incana, and Senecio hybridus Influenced by High-Voltage Electrostatic Field 高压静电场对茉莉等四种花卉的调控作用
- Androsace incanan. 白花点地梅
- M. incana 紫罗兰
- Draba incanan. 灰白葶苈