- Y. Bern血型抗体Blood group antibody Y. Bern
- Y. Bern血型抗原Blood group antigen Y. Bern
- 353孔钵盘353 hole tray
- 钕钇铝石榴石激光治疗后囊混浊(353例)353 cases of Nd:YAG laser treatment for posterior capsular opacity
- 天津口岸5 353名涉外婚姻者婚前体检结果分析Result analysis of the pre-marital check-up for 5 353 persons who marry foreign nations
- 出血性中风353例发病时间与发病高峰期的圆形统计分析An Analysis on the Circular Distribution of the Invasion Time and Peak Time of Cerebral Hemorrhage in 353 Patients
- 它发韧于1905年瑞士Bern专利局,初创于1924年印度达卡大学与柏林大学,发展于1970年代Bell、MIT、stanford,实现于1995年NIST。It originated at Bern Bureau of Patent, started at Daka University and BerlinUniversity, developed at Bell Lab. , MIT, Stanford, and completed at NIST.
- SARS已经在世界范围内感染了5,462个人,杀死了其中353个。SARS has infected 5,462 people worldwide and killed 353.
- 方法 :对角膜散光小于 1.5 D的患者 113名 132眼 ,使用美国 Alcon公司的 EYEMAPTM EH- 2 90角膜地形图仪和瑞士 HAAG STREIT BERN角膜曲率计测量角膜散光。Methods:We tested corneal astigmatism of 113 patients (132 eyes)by using topographer (EYEMAP TM EH 290,ALCON,USA)and keratometer(HAAG STREIT BERN,SWISS),all the patients?corneal astigmatism was less than 1 5D. Results:we found that both the highest and the smallest curvature measured by the topographer were significantly higher than that by the keratometer (P<0 05).
- 方法:以353名大学生为被试,施测MBI-SS和学业特征量表,以BDI作为效标。Methods: 353 undergraduate students were administrated MBI-SS and Academic Characteristic Survey.
- 利用150个Bern图像和564个AR图像进行实验,分别获得了98.7%和96.6%的双眼定位成功率,表明该方法对眼睛定位过程中的视角变化、人脸表情变化和图像光照变化都具有很好的鲁棒性。Experimental results on a set of 150 Bern images and another set of 564 AR images show that correct eye locating rates of 98.7%25 and 96.6%25 have been achieved, respectively.
- 91天日增重分别提高0.195、0.190和0.274公斤,单位增重饲料成本分别降低0.353、0.444和0.734元。Result showed thai the daily gain of the test groups increased 0.195,0.193 and 0.274 kilograms respectively more than the control groups, the feedstuff costs for one-kilogram gain decreased 0.353, 0.444 and 0.734 yuan respectively.
- 拉斯帕尔马斯西班牙加那利群岛上的一座主要城市,在大加那利岛东北海岸线上。建于15世纪晚期。人口377,353。The chief city of the Canary Islands of Spain,on the northeast coast of Grand Canary Island. It was founded in the late15th century. Population,377,353.
- 353位处,G为优势等位基因,具有GG、GH和HH 3种基因型,3品种均具有较高的GG基因型频率、较低的HH基因型频率。In 353 bp site,three genotypes,GG,GH and HH were detected. The frequency of GG was the highest and that of HH was the lowest in 3 geese groups.
- 拉斯帕尔马斯西班牙加那利群岛上的一座主要城市,在大加那利岛东北海岸线上。建于15世纪晚期。人口377,353The chief city of the Canary Islands of Spain, on the northeast coast of Grand Canary Island. It was founded in the late15th century. Population,377, 353.
- 缺血修饰白蛋白升高与术中球囊扩张压(r=0.482,P<0.01)、持续时间(r=0.353,P<0.05)和扩张次数(r=0.406,P<0.05)明显相关。Levels of IMA were significantly related with the duration of total inflations(r=0.353,P<0.05),inflation pressure(r=0.482,P<0.01) and number of inflations(r=0.406,P<0.05).
- 对渤海353尾鲈鱼的胃含物样品进行了分析,得出如下结论:(1)鲈鱼为游泳动物食性的鱼类,游泳动物占其胃含物总重量的63.58%;The analysis on 353 stomach contents of Japanese sea ball (Lateolabrax japonicas ) in the Bohai Sea has been made and the conclusions were obtained below: 1. Japanese sea bass mainly pray on nekton (weight percentage: 63. 58%25 ) and benthos (weight percentage: 33. 22%25).
- 铸态试样的相变点,奥氏体转变开始温度(As)和终了温度(Af)分别为353和383K; 马氏体转变开始温度(Ms)和终了温度(Mf)分别为353和333K。transformation temperature of cast TiNbSn As, Af, Ms and Mf are 353K, 383K, 353K and 333K respectively.
- 仔细的数据分析表明,各电池电动势的温度系数在318.15K、333.15K、353.15K和370.85K附近均有微小转折,各温度区间温度系数的差异随x值变小而减小.The temperature dependence of the emf of the cells with various x values shows several small breaks located at ca . 318.15K, 333. 15K, 353.15 K and 370.85 K respectively.