- Berberis cavaleriein. 贵州小檗
- Berberis dictyophylla Franch.var.eprunosa Schneid. 黑石珠
- Studies on HPLC fingerprint of Berberis L. 小檗属植物药材的HPLC指纹图谱研究。
- A study on the genus Berberis L. 中国东部和南部小檗属植物之研究.
- Berberis chilensis Gillies ex Hook. et Arn. var. chilensis 植物更多的照片这里可以看.
- Phoebe zhennana 18 m + 6 sin (4SAT ) i Nothaphoebe cavaleriei 24 m. 楠木(Phoebezhennana)18m+6sm(4SAT);
- This paper introduced the processing of Berberis beverage. 介绍了小檗饮料的生产工艺过程。
- Variation of Alkaloid Contents in Calli Culture of Berberis pruinosa F. 粉叶小檗愈伤组织中生物碱的含量变化。
- Scissa indicates time past (days); ordinate shows the percentages of nutlets remaining on water surface. A.Mosla hangchouensis; b.M. Cavaleriei; c.Elsholtzia ciliata. 横轴表示时间(天数),纵轴表示残留在水面上的小坚果数量占全部供试小坚果的百分数。
- Study on cutting techniques of hardwood in Berberis thunbergii DC. F. Atropurpurea Rehd. 紫叶小檗硬枝扦插育苗技术研究。
- Objective: To study the extract technology of alkaloids chemical constituents in Berberis triacanthophora Fedde. 目的:研究芒齿小檗生物碱类化学成分的提取工艺。
- According to the result of acute toxicity test in mice, the Berberis heteropoda Schrenk red pigment had not to... 该色素可作为食用色素开发利用。
- ABSTRACT Objective: To optimize the extraction technology of berberine from berberis. 摘要:目的 :优选三颗针中小檗碱的提取工艺。
- Salvia cavaleriei Levl. 血盆草
- Lysionotus cavaleriei Levl. 石豇豆
- Study on the medicinal plant resources of Berberis in China including their taxonomy, distribution and medicinal evaluation. 文章题目 中国产小檗属药用植物资源的研究 -- 分类、分布和药用价值.
- Mosla cavaleriei L. 小花石荠宁
- Siwei jianghuang capsule consists of herbal ingredients extracted from Curcuma,Berberis kansuensis Schneid,Phyllanthus emblicah L. 四味姜黄胶囊由姜黄、小檗皮、余甘子和蒺藜组成,原方为藏药传统方剂,具有清热利尿的功能。
- Method: The orthogonal test method was adopted to explore the influences of 4 factors on the yielding rate of berberine from berberis. 方法 :采用正交试验设计法考察4个因素对盐酸小檗碱得率的影响。
- Berberis aggregata Schneid. 锥花小檗