- Long-term recycling of these materials will occur when they are melted to form magmas erupted from the Benioff zone. 当这些物质熔融形成岩浆,从贝尼奥夫带喷发时,这些物质将发生长期的再循环。
- In the middle part of the seismic belt the dip angle of the Benioff Zone graduatly increases with depth aand the Benioff Zone extends to 180 km. 在地震带的中间部分,Benioff带的倾角逐渐加大,且倾角随深度加深而增大,延伸深度可达180km。
- The features of Benioff zone along theboudaries between the Indian plate, Philippine Sea plate and Eurasian plate were studied. 研究了Benioff带的形态。
- Utilizing the multiple profiles from seismic sounding and other geophysical data completed in the domain of Japan Sea, the paper synthetically analyzes the characteristics of crustal structure and Benioff zone in the domain. 利用日本海域内完成的多条地震测深剖面及其它地球物理资料;综合分析该域地壳结构特点以及Benioff带特点.
- In east pacific, however, the subduction direction of the subducting plate is the same as that of the flow of the mantle, so the current dip angle of the Benioff zone will be larger than the initial dip angle. 对地幔而言 ,则是地幔相对于地壳的东向流动。
- The three granite belts are essentially parallel to the Benioff zone of the Pacific plate against the phitippine Sea plate, with the traction direction opposite to that of the plate movement. 三个花岗岩带与太平洋板块和菲律宾板块的毕鸟夫带大致平行。
- In 1960 Bernal pointed to the fact that some Benioff zones extend to nearly 700km depth. 1961年伯纳尔指出这样的事实:某些贝尼奥夫带延伸深达700公里左右。
- Earthquakes along Benioff zones are distributed in the descending lithosphere slabs. 贝尼奥夫带的地震都分布在下降岩石圈板块内。
- The focal-mechanism variation obeys a certain regularity, i. e. the compressional stress(p)or the tension stress(T), is parallel to the dip of Benioff zones. 震源机制变化具有一个明显的规律:主压应力轴(P)或主张应力轴(T)平行贝尼奥夫带倾向。
- The Norwegians live in a comparatively cold zone. 挪威人生活在比较寒冷的地区。
- in the depth below 500 km, the P axes are coincident with dip deriction and dip argle of the Benioff zone. 深度大于500公里时,主压应力方向与贝尼奥夫带的倾向、倾角一致,张应力轴相对集中。
- Supplies were parachuted into the earthquake zone. 救援物资已空投到地震区。
- Long-term recycling of these materials will occur when they are melted to form magmas erupted from the Benioff zone 当这些物质熔融形成岩浆,从贝尼奥夫带喷发时,这些物质将发生长期的再循环。
- Some people live in Torrid Zone. 有些人生活在热带。
- I'd like to see Europe as a nuclear-free zone. 我希望欧洲成为无核区。
- The troops detrained near the battle zone. 部队在战区附近下了火车。
- recycling of these materials will occur when they are melted to form magmas erupted from the Benioff zone. 当这些物质熔融形成岩浆,从贝尼奥夫带喷发时,这些物质将发生长期的再循环。
- in the region of depth from 200 km to 500 km. the most of P axes are nearly horizontal and perpendicular to the strike direction of the Benioff zone; 深度在200公里至500公里之间,主压应力方向近于水平,并与贝尼奥夫带走向垂直,张应力轴相对集中。
- They are pulling their troops out of the battle zone. 他们正把部队调离战区。
- They have declared their country a, nuclear-free zone. 他们宣布本国为无核区。