- Yao Xian, Shanxi native, is currently studying choreography at Beijing Dance Academy. 姚弦,山西太原人,现就读于北京舞蹈学院编导系。
- She received her degree from the Choreography Department of the Beijing Dance Academy and joined BMDC after graduation. 之前在贵州省艺术学校学习舞蹈。
- Shi Jingxin, born in Lanzhou and grown up in Shanghai, graduated from Beijing Dance Academy where she is currently working for as a teacher. 史晶歆,生于兰州,长于上海,毕业于北京舞蹈学院编导系,现于北京舞蹈学院音乐剧系任教。
- Wang Yanan's Bio, graduated from Beijing Dance Academy in 1994, and is a freelance choreographer and dancer now. 1994年毕业于北京舞蹈学院,之后在东方歌舞团任舞蹈演员,现为自由舞者。
- Ms.Lee graduated from Beijing Dance Academy, she was the principal dancer at Central Dance Troup. 李淑霞老师毕业于北京舞蹈学院,曾是中央歌舞团的主要演员。
- Shi Xiaojuan comes from Hubei, graduated from Beijing Dance Academy, former dancer of Beijing Dance Company, is currently in charge of Beijing Dance Company Training Center. 施晓娟,来自湖北,北京舞蹈学院中国舞编导广东班,曾为北京现代舞团演员,现任北京现代舞团教育部负责人。
- Beijing Dance Academyn. 北京舞蹈学院
- Beijing Dancing Academy 北京舞蹈学院
- Atlanta Professional Dance Academy (APDA) 2008 Dance in Autumn-4 Salsa,performed by Ballet IV. 亚特兰大专业舞蹈学院金秋蓓蕾-4 拉丁舞。
- Why not come along to one of our classes and see for yourself why we’re the regions freshest up and coming dance academy and judge for yourself. 为什么不来给我们上课,看看自己为什么我们新鲜的地区和未来舞蹈学院和判断吧。
- A coed dance by the Beijing Dance Academy.It uses an array of props that is commonly found in ... 民族舞蹈里的秧歌;利用八角巾及漂扇做为道具舞出活泼俏皮摸样 ...
- Ballet dance teacher and musicians also came into being, they founded the ballet in Paris Dance Academy, and began dancing ballet moves to establish the basic norms. 芭蕾舞舞师和乐师也应运而生,他们在巴黎创办了芭蕾舞蹈学院,并开始建立芭蕾舞蹈动作的基本规范。
- It was a graduate work by the first choreography class of the Beijing Dance School under the guidance and instruction from Soviet expert Choplin and well-known Peking Opera master Li Shaochun. 它是北京舞蹈学校第一届编导班的进修生在查普林与中国著名京剧艺术家李少春指导下的毕业实习作品。
- It founded this annual festival and conference in 1987 as the International Festival of Dance Academies and it was based in Hong Kong until 1991. Since then,a different country has been host each year. 这个一年一度的盛会源于一九八七年由演艺学院创办的“国际舞蹈学院舞蹈节”,以前每年均在香港举行,直至一九九一年,才由不同国家轮流主办。
- I stop with my brother while I am in Beijing. 我去北京总是住在哥哥家里。
- Some elder people enjoy Beijing opera immensely. 有些上了年纪的人非常喜爱京剧。
- It founded this annual festival and conference in 1987 as the International Festival of Dance Academies and it was based in Hong Kong until 1991. Since then, a different country has been host each year. 这个一年一度的盛会源于一九八七年由演艺学院创办的"国际舞蹈学院舞蹈节",以前每年均在香港举行,直至一九九一年,才由不同国家轮流主办。
- Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中国的首都。
- Radio Beijing sends the news all over the world. 北京广播电台向全世界播送新闻。
- He has been burning for a chance to visit Beijing. 他一直渴望着有机会参观北京。