- As Lao Tzu said, even a journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step. 老子曾说,千里之行始于足下,就是这个道理。
- Boles would like to borrow your eyes, I begin with a single step away trip. 愿借用您伯乐的眼光,开始我足下千里之行。"
- There's the old saying everyone's familiar with "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step". "千里之行始于足下"这句古谚大家再熟悉不过了。
- A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, said the Chinese philosopher Laozi.What is needed now is a big leap across the Taiwan Strait. 千里之行始于足下是中国古代哲学家老子所说的一句名言,而现在最需要的,就是跨越台湾海峡。
- The longest journey starts with a single step. 千里之行,始于足下。
- A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step 万丈高楼平地起
- You remember how long ago you told me that a journey of a thousand miles begins with just a single step? 记得很久以前你对我说过,千里之行始于足下吗?
- Even the grandest forest begins with a single seedling. 即便最壮丽的树林也是从一株树苗开始。
- Begins with a single step 始于足下
- For Meera, the revolution began with a single rupee. 对米拉来说,这场变革是从一个印度卢比开始的。
- Let's begin with a simple subject. 我们从简单的题目开始吧。
- Conversely, the double quote can be used if the value begins with a single quote. 相反地,如果该值以单引号开始,则可以使用双引号。
- He got over the stream with a single leap. 他一跃就跳过了小溪。
- It is helpful to begin with a rough and ready classification. 首先进行粗略的分类是很有帮助的。
- A journey of a thousand miles begins with single step. 千里之行,始于足下
- A single room with a bath, if possible. 如果可能,要一间带浴室的单人房。
- He blew out three candles with a single puff. 他一口气吹灭了三根蜡烛。
- The proceedings will begin with a speech to welcome the guests. 大会议程首先 是向来宾致欢迎辞。
- He felled his opponent with a single blow. 他一拳便把对手击倒在地。
- She froze her noisy children with a single look. 她一瞪眼,她吵闹的孩子们马上动也不敢动。