- Begin with a class discussion 开始课堂讨论
- Let's begin with a simple subject. 我们从简单的题目开始吧。
- They usually begin with their class with a song. 他们通常以一首歌开始他们的一节课。
- It is helpful to begin with a rough and ready classification. 首先进行粗略的分类是很有帮助的。
- The proceedings will begin with a speech to welcome the guests. 大会议程首先 是向来宾致欢迎辞。
- The Olympic Games begin with a parade of all the competing nations. 奥运会以参赛各国的列队行进开始。
- They're throwing me in a class with a bad name. 他们把对我进行肆意的毁谤。
- The concert began with a piano solo. 音乐会以钢琴独奏曲拉开序幕。
- I would do it,and I would begin with a sweater. 就这么办,就从一件线衫开始。
- Most notes begin with a date or a time. 多数便条以日期或时间开头。
- The path must begin with a forward slash. 该路径必须以正斜杠开头。
- The connection name cannot begin with a digit. 连接名不能以数字打头。
- I would do it, and I would begin with a sweater. 就这么办,就从一件线衫开始。
- Today I would like to begin with a story. 今天我将以一个故事开始我的演讲。
- All specific names begin with a lowercase letter. 所有的具体名称一开始就有一个小写字母。
- All LSAs begin with a common 20 byte header. 现在我们来看一下链路状态广播。
- The national bourgeoisie is a class with a dual character. 民族资产阶级是带两重性的阶级。
- Words that begin with a consonant sound were easier to learn. 以子音开头的字比较容易学。
- Each half of the game begins with a kick-off. 以开球形式开始每个半场比赛。
- The first word of a sentence should begin with a capital letter. 一个句子的第一个词应该用大写字母开头。