- Bednar aphtha 硬腭口疮
- Is the remedial method with unripe best aphtha? 生口疮最好的治疗方法是?
- West Brom's Bednar: Man Utd stars should want my shirt! 西汉姆的贝德纳:曼联的球星们应该找我换球衣!
- Of aphtha come on the age is in more 10 to 30 years old between. 口疮的发病年龄多在10至30岁之间。
- Aphtha also can be divided for solid empty two kinds. 口疮也可分为实虚两类。
- West Brom striker Roman Bednar won't be overawed facing Manchester United this weekend. “我不会那么做。”他对泰晤士报说。“我会等着他们过来找我换球衣。”
- Bednar has now served his suspension and is hoping to repay those who he has disappointed with his previous behaviour. 贝德纳现在禁赛期满并希望回报因为之前不当行为而对其失望的人。
- Darling 8 months, long aphtha, the aphtha of square law child with good what does on-line friend door have excuse me? 宝宝八个月了,长口疮了,请问在线的朋友门有什么好的方法治小孩口疮吗?
- I just hope everybody realises that people do make mistakes," said Bednar in a statement on West Brom's official website. 我只是希望人们能够理解是人都会犯错。”贝德纳在西布罗姆维奇官网上说。
- In food the respect must notice to eat acrimony, panbroiling food less, still have eat dried fruit to cause aphtha very easily also. 在饮食方面一定要注意少吃辛辣、油煎的食物,还有吃干果也很容易引起口疮。
- Bednar, R. L., Wells, M. G., &Peterson S. R. (1989), Self-esteem: Paradoxes and innovations in clinical theory and practice, Washington: American Psychological Association. 蔡明璋(1989);自尊心与疏离感:自我理论的检证;中兴大学法商学报;(23);179-207.
- Aphtha still has certain transmissibility: If parents often has aphtha, there is half above to contract this disease easily in its children. 口疮还有一定的遗传性:如果父母常有口疮,其子女中有一半以上易患此病。
- West Brom striker Roman Bednar insists he will learn from his mistakes after a three-month suspension for breaching Football Association doping control regulations. 西布罗姆维奇前锋罗曼贝德纳在因为违反足协禁药条例而被禁赛三个月后坚信他将从错误中吸取教训。
- Bednar is thankful for being offered an opportunity under Baggies bossBaggies boss Roberto Di Matteo, who took over in the summer, and expects to be back playing in a fortnight. 贝德纳对球队老板RobertoDiMatteo能给他机会表示感谢,希望能在两星期内回归。
- Objective To observe the curative effect of Zhuyeshigao Decoction combined with external application of Chinese medicine on child aphtha. 目的观察竹叶石膏汤配合中药外敷治疗小儿口疮的疗效。
- Additional, long-termMorpheusInsufficient, life daily life wants special attention without regular person, stay up late wait for behavior to be able to let aphtha appear. 另外,长期的睡眠不足,生活起居没有规律的人要特别注意,熬夜等行为都会让口疮出现。
- The aphtha that the person place with youth or normally stronger constitution suffers from is belonged to solid, and the person with aged person or younger constitution belongs to empty. 通常年轻人或体质较强的人所患的口疮属于实,而年老的人或体质较弱的人则属于虚。
- Research of society life of repea aphtha patient 复发性口疮患者社会生活事件研究
- Keywords "the Meishan manna drinks"Aphtha; “梅山甘露饮”;口疮;
- aphtha with exogenous febrile disease 伤寒口伤