- The band became a sensation overnight. 一夜之间,这支乐队名声大振。
- Became a sensation overnight. 突然引起轰动
- She became a celebrity overnight. 她一下变成名人了。
- Ma Xiao Tiao wab sorn jumping and inspired his father, a toy designer, to make a jumping doll that became a sensation all over the world. 马小跳生下来就会跳,他父亲作为一个优秀的玩具设计师,从儿子的这一跳受到启发,设计出了风靡全球的“跳跳娃”。
- The outrageous book created a sensation. 那部耸人听闻的书曾轰动一时。
- He had a sensation of dizziness. 他有一种晕眩的感觉。
- The play became a tremendous hit. 这出戏极为轰动。
- Skeletons give a sensation of fear. 骷髅给人以恐惧之感。
- The scandal about the mayor caused a sensation. 有关市长的丑闻引起了轰动。
- Became a tragic figure overnight. 一夜之间变成了一个悲剧人物形象
- His arrival produced a sensation. 他的抵达引起了轰动。
- The new product became a goldmine for the company. 该项新产品成了该公司的聚宝盆。
- The ship was wrecked and became a total loss. 船只失事,一切都损失了。
- He became a clergyman and remained so. 他成为牧师并且一直担任这样的工作。
- His speech created a sensation among the audience. 他的演说在听众间引起轰动。
- He renounced his religion and became a Muslim. 他宣布脱离他原来的宗教而成为了一名穆斯林教徒。
- I felt a sensation of happiness. 我感觉到一种幸福感。
- After graduation she became a teacher. 毕业以后,她当了教师。
- News of his arrest caused a sensation. 他被捕的消息引起了轰动。
- It is said that he has became a Party member. 据说他已经成为一名党员了。