- Beat up the drum. 敲打这个鼓。
- Beat up the yolks of three eggs. 把三个蛋黄搅匀。
- Run and beat up the men quickly. 快去把人召集起来。
- Strike up the drum and march courageously. 敲响战鼓,奋勇向前。
- Urgent messengers beat up the general's quarters. 接踵而来的告急信使令将军的官邸一片惊慌。
- Beat up the eggs before you add the flour. 把蛋打匀后加入面粉。
- Beat up the egg whites until they become stiff. 把蛋白打到它们变黏稠。
- They didn't half beat up the policeman. 他们将那个警察狠揍了一顿。
- When I blacken hair, I have to beat up the drug powder in water. 我染黑头发时,必须把药粉搅在水里。
- The muggers beat up the old man within an inch of his life. 那些行凶抢劫者把那老人打得半死不活。
- He just stood by when the police beat up the demonstrators. 当警察痛打示威者他仅仅是袖手旁观。
- When I blacken hair,I have to beat up the drug powder in water. 我染黑头发时,必须把药粉搅在水里。
- Some redneck beat up some noisy college student at the pub. 一些观念狭隘保守的人在酒吧里痛揍一些喧闹的大学生。
- Crossing the bridge and going through the Drum Beating Cave leads one to the Half Way Up the Mountain Temple. 走过绿凤桥和穿过前面的击鼓洞,半山寺就快到了。
- A steel drum band gingered up the party. 一铁鼓队使晚会生动起来
- He is badly beat up by a gang of thug. 他被一帮暴徒打得死去活来。
- The leaders of the insurrectionary army beat up the newly captured town for recruits. 起义军的首领们在新攻占的城里四出奔走,招募新兵。
- Another example of keyed gating is using the drum signal to key an oscillator which is set to an appropriate frequency to “tune” and “punch up” the drum sound. 另一个键控噪声门的例子,是用鼓信号去调节一个源信号,这个源信号被设置成一个合适的频率去调谐或冲击鼓的声音。
- She tried to beat up some support for the campaign she was leading. 她力求赢得人们对她所领导的运动的支持。
- The ship was beating up the channel. 船在海峡里逆风而行。