- Bearing Only Launch 发射方向
- The foregoing analysis relates to very wide bearing only. 上述分析只适用于很宽的轴承。
- Ferguson will only launch a bid if he is fully satisfied Owen has recovered from the knee operation. 弗格森爵士如果对欧文伤愈后的表现满意的话;他所做的就是开一张支票.
- Some animals, including some bears only hair hibernate. 有些动物,包括有些熊,只是半冬眠。
- A female panda bears only one or two young per litter. 熊猫每胎产仔一到二只。
- Single direction radial thrust bearing only endure single-driection axial load,with contact angle of 15、25、30 or 40 between the ball and the inner and outer rings. 单列向心推力球轴承只承受单方向轴承载荷,球与内圈、外圈有15度、25度、30度或40度的接触角。
- Aiming at the constrained bearing only tracking (CBOT)'s actual condition, the formula of optimal importance density (OID) used in particle filters is derived. 针对约束仅方位跟踪(CBOT)的实际条件,推导了粒子滤波器中的最优重要密度公式。
- Not only launches domestic tours, but also to respond the world the support, is preparing the development world to tour. 不仅展开国内巡回演出,还为了响应世界的支持,正在筹划开展世界巡回演出。
- Another example is the Boggart as described by Rowling, which bears only slight resemblence to the Boggart of folklore. 另一个例子就是罗琳笔下的博格特,和民间传说的博格特只有极少的类同点。
- Petra decided to ask the delicate question boldly and have done with it. "The baby was born only a month after the population restrictions were lifted. 佩查试图大胆的问出那个敏感的问题,而她也的确问了。“那个婴儿是在人口限制刚刚撤销后出生的。
- Unlike animals, who are born with most of the skills they will need for survival, humans are born only with the desire to learn and try. 动物生下来时就具备着它们生存所需要的大多数技能,而人却不像动物,生下来时只具有学习和尝试的愿望。
- The launch is bearing down(the port) at ten knots. 汽艇正以每小时十海里的速度顺风向港口驶去。
- We are all born only one half, struggling to find our the other hales.Someone are very lucky, they make their wills become true soon. 玻璃樽:人生下来的时候都只有一半,为了找到另一半而在人世间行走。
- This lack of rights of women born infant, born only half an hour would die, was taken to the boiler, Neiting the Shaohua. 这个没有 取得出生权利的女婴儿,生下来只半个小时便死掉了,被送进内廷的锅炉里烧化了。
- Therefore, the government investment behavior included in the industrial policy bears only information disclosure function. 因此,产业政策中所包括的政府投入行为都只具有信息披露的作用。
- It seems so absurd to bear malice after all that. 经过这一切之后还抱有怨恨情绪是很荒谬的。
- constrained bearing only tracking 约束仅方位跟踪
- The old veteran had a martial bearing. 那老兵具有威武的仪表。
- The champions found their bearings only for a split-second and yet that instant of perfection ruined the entire day for Paul Jewell's freshly promoted side. 卫冕冠军只是在终场前真正找到了感觉,然而这瞬间的闪光摧毁了保罗-杰维尔升班马队伍美好的一天。
- Indeed, this for more than year come, Shang Wenjie the result was not small, not only launched in salvos 3 phonograph records, a concert's admission ticket sale film length is also red. 的确,这一年多来,尚雯婕的成绩不小,不仅连发3张唱片,演唱会的门票销售也一片长红。