- Beach Landing Site 海滩登陆场
- We should make full use of the Mous of beach land. 我们应该充分利用好这几亩沙田。
- Biomass and nutrient accumulation of poplar plantation on beach land in Yangtse River in Anhui province. 安徽长江滩地杨树人工林生物量和养分积累。
- Jet planes cannot he stacked up at the landing site while awaiting landing instructions. 不能在喷气式飞机等候着陆指令时让它们在着陆点上空分层盘旋。
- Wants to know of more products or designs, please landing site of the company or shops. 预了解更多产品或图案,请登陆本公司商铺或网站。
- The Twin Squirrel helicopter was heading to a private landing site near Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, when it vanished from radar. 那部直升机原计划飞往剑桥郡的彼得堡附近的一个私密降落点,但在途中它从雷达中消失。
- The lander will study whether the landing site could have supported primitive life. 探测器将会研究登陆的地方是否支持原始的生命出现。
- Onlookers scooped up their children, picnics and dogs to race to the landing site as Rossy posed for photographs. 当罗斯摆开姿势让大家拍照的时候,观众们领着他们的孩子,带着狗以及夜餐用具,争相向着陆点跑去。
- "An Apollo 17 astronaut examines enormous lunar boulders resting in a crater at the Taurus-Littrow landing site. 阿波罗17号登陆宇航员在着陆地点陶拉斯-利特罗环形坑(金牛座凹壑区)里检查一块巨大岩石。
- Lightweight and quiet, these boats work well in beach landings and helicopter launches. 这些船轻便而安静,适用于抢滩登陆以及直升飞机垂降。
- Once a landing site is established,freighters will be dispatched to begin construction of a base and colony complex. 一旦一着陆地点被建立,货船将被分派开始基础和殖民地建筑群的建造。
- An Apollo 17 astronaut examines enormous lunar boulders resting in a crater at the Taurus-Littrow landing site. 阿波罗17号登陆宇航员在着陆地点陶拉斯-利特罗环形坑(金牛座凹壑区)里检查一块巨大岩石。
- At past sessions,they have handled snakes,practiced night-time combat-style beach landings and run up mountains while carrying boats. 在以前的训练期中,他们对付过蛇,练习过夜间模拟作战方式沙滩登陆,还扛着船爬山。
- Scientists do not expect to find water in its liquid form at the Phoenix landing site because it's too frigid. 科学家并不期望能在凤凰号登陆地点找到液态水,因为太天寒地冻了。
- At past sessions, they have handled snakes, practiced night?time combat - style beach landings and run up mountains while carrying boats. 在以前的训练期中,他们对付过蛇,练习过夜间模拟作战方式沙滩登陆,还扛着船爬山。
- At 8:52 P.M., or 2:51 P.M. local time at the landing site, Spirit proclaimed its safe arrival on the Red Planet. 晚间8点52分,或登陆点当地时间下午2点51分,精神号正式宣告它安全抵达红色行星。
- Moreover,massive saline and alkali lands and the riverside beach lands are also unable to be cast off.In this paper,the original model is improved on the foundation of the succ... 在借鉴传统城镇居民地提取模型成功经验的基础上,对原有模型进行了改进,不但可以将大量盐碱地及河边滩地剔除,而且扩展了模型可应用的时空范围,并最终得到了较高的提取精度。
- An underwater site is usually a shipwreck; a land site is often a village or part of one. 水下遗址通常是一艘沉船;陆地上遗址则往往是一个村落或其中的一部分。
- Although it appeared perfect, in fact Rossy did not arrive at the intended landing site -- apparently after he tricked his support staff. 成功着陆后,这位冒险家显得十分激动,他在工作人员的协助下卸下了帮助他飞行的“翅膀”。
- For the next three days the CIA planners canvassed alternative landing sites. 在会后的三天里,中央情报局的策划者们仔细地研究了可供选择的登陆地点。