- No problem, but everything shall be in good order. 没问题,但是一切都应该井然有序。
- No problem,but everything should be in good order. 没问题,但是一切都应该井然有序。
- No problem, but everything should be in good order. 没问题,但是一切都应该井然有序。
- We were relieved to find that the machine was in good order. 看到机器完好无损,我们就放心了。
- If we can pull through this recession, we will be in good shape. 如果我们能渡过这段经济不景气的时间,我们就会好多了。
- To check on a sampling basis that all company accounts are in good order. 用抽样方式审核所有公司账目是否完整。
- I returned home that day to find that everything was being in good order. 那天我回家,发现所有的东西都很整齐。
- I've been having trouble with my rheumatism,but at least my lungs are in good order. 我一直受风湿病之苦,但至少我的肺功能良好。
- I've been having trouble with my rheumatism, but at least my lungs are in good order. 我一直受风湿病之苦,但至少我的肺功能良好。
- This is a butterfly-shaped crossroads. The vehicles driving towards all directions are in good order. 这是一座蝶式立交桥,去往各个方向的车辆井然有序。
- The cargoes were dry on the surface of the piles and the stowage was in good order without evidence of damage or water-stains. 货物表面干燥,积载良好,没有发现残损或水渍。
- The sick and the stragglers left behind only numbered two hundred and seventeen, and everything was in good order except the soldiers' boots. 掉队者和病号只有二百一十七人。除皮靴而外,其余一切都完整无缺。
- The old man appears to be in good health. 这位老人显得健康。
- That cow of his appears to be in good case. 那头母牛看上去很健壮。
- She seemed to be in good health. 她看上去身体健康。
- Perfect, choir, we seem to be in good voice today! 太棒啦,合唱团,我们今天唱得很好!
- She will be in good company with my friends. 她将遭遇和我朋友们一样的窘境。
- The stove and the fridge are in good working order. 炉灶和冰箱都很好用。
- If you want to be in good health, be a non-smoker. 假如你要健康,就不要吸菸。
- She looked to be in good health. 她显得很健康。