- Be careful of the dog; it sometimes bites people. 留心那条狗,有时候咬人。
- Be careful of the bones (when you eat fish). (吃鱼时)小心鱼刺.
- Commander: Be careful of the hostages. 指挥官:注意人质的安全。
- Be careful of the dogs that don't bark. 小心那些不叫的狗。
- Be careful of the nettles,they sting! 小心给荨麻扎着,荨麻有刺!
- Be careful of the crystal plate. 小心这水晶碟。
- Be careful of the savage in the area. 当心这一带的野人。
- You should be careful of the current. 你要小心水流。
- Be careful of the tourist trip while traveling in Florida. 到佛罗里达时,要留意观光陷阱。
- Keep hold of the ropes, don't let the dogs go. 拿住这些绳子,别让这些狗跑了。
- We are warned to be careful of the rats. 我们被告知要当心老鼠。
- It's no fun to find oneself at the end of the rope. 山穷水尽,可不是好玩儿的。
- Be careful of the icy pavement;it's really glassy,ie slippery. 小心人行道上有冰;路面可真滑.
- Leo: Watch your step. Be careful of the ropes. What about here? 利奥:注意台阶。请小心那些缆绳。坐这里好吗?
- He took hold of the rope tightly. 他紧紧抓住了绳子。
- Be careful of the frigates, as they can warp scramble you. 小心这些护卫舰他们会反跃迁你。
- Be careful of the ropes. 请小心那些缆绳。
- He lost hold of the rope and fell to the ground. 他没有抓住绳子,摔到地上。
- Mom: Be careful of the peeler. Don't cut your fingers. 妈妈:当心,别切到你的手了。
- Get hold of the rope or you will fall. 抓紧绳子,否则你会跌下来的。