- He witnessed the Battle of Stalingrad. 他目击过斯大林格勒大战。
- The Battle of Stalingrad sealed Hitler's doom. 斯大林格勒战役决定了希特勒的覆灭。
- The German forces suffered heavy losses in the Battle of Stalingrad. 德军在斯大林格勒战役中遭受惨重损失。
- After the battle of Stalingrad,Nazi Germany drew on rapidly towards destruction. 斯大林格勒战役后,纳粹德国迅速走向灭亡。
- The Battle of Stalingrad will stop the offensive of fascism and is therefore a decisive battle. 斯大林格勒一战将停止法西斯的进攻,这一战是带着决定性的。
- Vasily Zaytsev, a Soviet sniper during World War II, was notable particularly for his part in the Battle of Stalingrad. 瓦西里.柴瑟夫是第二次世界大战期间苏联的狙击手,参与斯大林格勒战役,表现尤其出色。
- After the battle of Stalingrad, Nazi Germany drew on rapidly towards destruction. 斯大林格勒战役后,纳粹德国迅速走向灭亡。
- Thus, an attack from three fronts will converge on Hitler -- such is the great historical process that will follow the Battle of Stalingrad. 这样,三条战线夹击希特勒,就将是斯大林格勒战役以后的伟大历史过程。
- Snipers are active in the meantime, the Battle of Stalingrad in the Soviet Union's chief sniper is Vasile.Zaitsev, a shepherd of the Ural mountains. 狙击手们就活跃在其间,在斯大林格勒战役中苏军的首席狙击手是瓦西里.;扎伊采夫,一位乌拉尔山区的牧羊人。
- Battle of Stalingrad was a turning point in the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union, which will fundamentally change the war situation. 斯大林格勒战役是苏联卫国战争的转折点,从根本上改变了战局 。
- And the Great Battle of Stalingrad marks the strategic turning point of the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War as well. 伟大的斯大林格勒战役标志着伟大卫国战争和第二次世界大战的战略转折点。
- After the battle of Stalingrad in 1943 and the American landing in Normandy in 1944, the Allies gained the upper hand in Europe. 1943年的斯大林格勒战役和1944年的美国诺曼底登陆之后,同盟国在欧洲占了上风。
- We remember Marshal Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov, commander for the Battle of Moscow, the Battle of Leningrad, the Battle of Stalingrad and the Battle of Berlin. 我们铭记格奥尔基-康斯坦丁诺维奇-朱可夫元帅。莫斯科战役、列宁格勒战役、斯大林格勒战役和柏林战役的指挥者。
- The battle of Stalingrad is not only the turning point of the Soviet-German War,or even of the present anti-fascist world war,it is the turning point in the history of all mankind. 斯大林格勒之战不但是苏德战争的转折点,甚至也不仅是这次世界反法西斯战争的转折点,它是整个人类历史的转折点。
- The battle of Stalingrad is not only the turning point of the Soviet-German War, or even of the present anti-fascist world war, it is the turning point in the history of all mankind. 斯大林格勒之战不但是苏德战争的转折点,甚至也不仅是这次世界反法西斯战争的转折点,它是整个人类历史的转折点。
- The battle of Stalingrad is not only the turning point of the Soviet - German War,or even of the present anti - fascist world war,it is the turning point in the history of all mankind. 斯大林格勒之战不但是苏德战争的转折点,甚至也不仅是这次世界反法西斯战争的转折点,它是整个人类历史的转折点。
- They died in the Battle of Waterloo. 他们战死于滑铁卢战役。
- The site of the battle of Waterloo is in Belgium. 滑铁卢战役的遗址在比利时。
- the defended battle of Stalingrad 珍珠港事件
- This painting depicts the Battle of Waterloo. 这幅画描绘了滑铁卢战役。