- Basis nursing teaching 基础护理教学
- Influencing factors in pluralistic clinical nursing teaching and its countermeasures. 影响临床护理兼职教学的因素及对策。
- Objective: To investigate the status quo of self-concept of clinical nursing teaching staff in Baoding city. [目的]调查分析保定市临床护理带教人员自我概念情况。
- Method Strengthening the soldiers' function and increasing military nursing teaching contents. 方法强化军人职能,增加军事护理教学内容。
- To introduce the application of generative teaching method in the preclinical nursing teaching. 介绍生成性教学方法在基础护理教学中的应用,其方法包括:授课前弹性设计预案;
- Objective To investigate the application of nursing teaching route in Clinical practice guiding . 目的:探讨临床护理教学路径在护生实习带教中的作用。
- Applying EBN in clinical nursing teaching creates a new style of making the rounds of wards and fosters the students abilities of all aspects. 将循证护理引入临床护理教学查房中,开拓了新的教学查房形式,培养了学生的综合能力。
- Objective To compare the application of problem-based learning (PBL) and lecture-based learning (LBL) in holistic nursing teaching of surgical nursing. 摘要目的比较PBL与LBL教学法在外科护理整体护理教学中的应用。
- Objective To study the effects of participatory approach used in basic nursing teaching of private vocational education. 目的探讨参与式教学法在民办高职学校基础护理教育中的应用效果。
- Objective:To elevate the quality of psychiatric nursing by evidence based nursing(EBN). 目的:应用循证护理理念,提高精神科护理质量。
- Objective To explore the application of evidence-based nursing (EBN) in the clinical nursing teaching of nursing practice students to cultivate the students idea of EBN. 目的探讨将循证护理引入临床护理教学查房中的效果。
- Objective To explore the effect of application of researching stu dy pattern to clinical nursing teaching and provide experience in reforming clin ical nursing teaching. 目的探讨研究性学习模式在临床护理教学中的应用效果,为进一步探索临床护理教学模式的改革提供借鉴。
- Purpose of clinical nursing teaching reform visits content and method, arouse the enthusiasm, the protection of cultivating mrsing critical thinking ability. 目的改革临床护理教学查房的内容与方式,激发护生的学习热情,培养护生的评判性思维能力。
- Objective To apply EBN (Evidence Based Nursing) to the study of the effective nursing measures of PIH (Pregnancy-induced Hypertension). 目的:应用循证护理(Evidence-BasedNursing,EBN)探索妊娠高血压综合征(Pregnancy-inducedHyper-tensionsyndrome,PIH)的有效护理措施。
- Objective To investigate the effect of using evidence - based nursing (EBN) in the course of nursing patients with severe craniocerebral injury combined pulmonary diseases. 目的研究循证护理在急性重型颅脑损伤(sTBI)肺部并发症(肺炎、肺不张)中的应用效果。
- Conclusion:The study showed that the applieation of based nursing could greatly satisfy patients and stimulate the development of clinical obstetric nursing. 结论:产程观察与护理中运用循证护理程序可最大限度满足病人的需求,同时可促进产科临床护理的发展。
- The article presents the conception, historical background of EBN, and the significant influence on clinical nursing, nursing research, nursing management and nursing teaching with the research and development of EBN. 本文论述了循证护理的概念、历史背景以及循证护理的研究和发展对临床护理、护理科研、护理管理及护理教学产生的重大影响。
- Problems were solved on an ad hoc basis. 做了一些变通问题便解决了。
- Can you sell for us on a commission basis? 你能拿佣金替我们销售吗?
- His research formed the basis of his new book. 他的研究成果是他这本新书的基础。