- The basic assumptions or principles of a subject. 基本原则,基本假设某一学科的基本假设或基本原理
- We need to challenge some of the basic assumptions of western philosophy. 我们有必要向西方哲学的某些基本假设提出质疑。
- A second critique of relativism challenges one of its basic assumptions, namely that the values of various cultures are fundamentally different. 对相对论的第二个批判是驳斥其基本信念之一,即各种文化的价值在根本上是不同的。
- The three cosmological principles are the basic assumptions about the universe derived from observations. 从实际观察之中,我们得出了三个有关宇宙的基本假设,我们称之为宇宙学原理。
- In Section 2 we shall list a collection of basic assumptions which a xx scheme must satisfy. 我们在第2节将列举出XX方案必须满足的一些基本假设。
- A few years later,however,he admitted that some of his basic assumptions had been overtaken by developments. "但是几年之后他承认,他的某些基本假设已经由于事态的发展而过时了。
- The basic assumptions, equations and boundary conditions for bottom hole assembly (BHA) analysis were discussed. 讨论了下部钻具组合分析的基本假设、基本方程和相应的边界条件。
- At the very least, knowledge from this endeavor has led to the rethinking of many basic assumptions. 我们努力得出的知识,至少已能让研究者重新思考许多基本假设。
- The 21st century will overturn many of our basic assumptions about economic life. 21世纪将会颠覆很多我们关于经济生活的基础假设。
- I fully agree with this view, in spite of the fact that I consider it one of the basic assumptions of historicism. 我完全同意这种观点,尽管我认为它是历史决定论的一个基本假定。
- One of the basic assumptions of American constitutional law is that the federal government does not have unlimited powers. 美国宪法的基本假设之一是,联邦政府并非具有无限的权力。
- "Nixon confined himself to opaque philosophical statements that indicated he was not ready for a discussion of basic assumptions" (Henry A. Kissinger). “尼克松把自己沉浸在晦涩的哲学论述中,这意味着他不准备讨论基础假说” (亨利·A·基辛格)。
- But the limit of the basic assumptions and the value of parameters deviating from the fact in pricing equation will cause pricing error. 但由于基本假设条件的约束,及定价方程中的参数如相关系数、随机变量的风险市场的价格因子的确定可能与实际不符,从而导致定价上的误差。
- Two basic assumptions of the classical economic order quantity (EOQ) model are the model has infinite horizon and the costs are static. 经典的经济订购批量(EOQ)问题有两个基本假设:时域无限和模型的费用参数不变.
- In this paper, the hydrokinetic model of the mass transfer zone(MTZ) is proposed on the basis of the four basic assumptions. 本文在固定床层的原有基本概念基础上,提出传质区饱和度的新概念。并通过四个基本假定建立起传质区流体动力学模型。
- Based on the four basic assumptions used in the Code, a new method of calculating reinforcement under flexural is presented. 作者在规范有关正截面计算四个基本假定的基础上,提出了新的设计方法,并编制了相应的计算程序。
- The most basic assumptions of the investment industry, and the products they offer to the public, must be reconsidered from scratch. 投资行业最基本的假设,以及他们向公众提供的产品,都必须彻底重新考虑一下。
- Learning Objective: expection to understand the basic assumptions of applied theories, related flow phenomena and aquaintance with the techniques of integration in analysis. 课程目标:预期修课学生将可了解基本的流体理论假设、流动现象原理与应用积分法的分析等概念。
- The new algorithm completely discards the two basic assumptions of the semi-implicit SIMPLE series algorithms which are widely used in the CFD and CHT community. CLEAR算法完全舍弃了计算流体和计算传热学界广泛使用的SIMPLE系列半隐算法的两个基本假设。
- Through analysis of basic assumptions and limitations of the conventional real estate investment decision method, in this paper, its unconformity to the investment environment, which includes a great number of uncertain elements, is pointed out. 通过对传统的房地产投资决策方法的基本假设及其缺陷的分析,指出了其不适应存在大量不确定性因素的房地产投资环境之处。