- What is my expected prognosis, based on my cancer as you view it? 根据我乳癌的状况,我的预后将会如何?
- Base on my skills and experience, I'm looking for 3000yuan a month. 根据我的能力和经验,我希望月薪是3000元。
- Based on my skills and experience, I am looking for four thousand a month. 根据我的能力和经验,我希望月薪是4000元。
- I did make that decision based on my dissatisfaction with that country. 我倒的确是因为对那个国家不满才下定决心的。
- Others will be promoted based on ‘potential,’ while visible minorities have to have a track record,” said a VM woman in the study. 其他员工凭借其‘潜力’就可被提升,而有色少数族裔必须得到提升则都是自己干出来的。”
- But based on the track record over the past 25 years, I know China will meet the challenge and leapfrog the West in many areas - I think of technology and communications. 但是根据过去25年所取得的成绩来看,我知道中国会正视挑战,并在许多领域,尤其是,技术和通讯领域,超越西方。
- These information is based on my own practices and research on tritium and I feel sorry that I cannot write Chinese. 这些信息是来源于我自己的一些在氚方面的工作和研究,此外为无法输入中文表示歉意。
- For my part, I have consistently given CEB the best advice of which I am capable based on my knowledge and experience. 就我个人而言,一直以来,我是倾己所能,利用自己的知识与经验,力争把自己认为是最佳的意见与建议贡献给光大银行。
- Based on my experience in the simulator, we can also expect amazing radar performance and situational awareness. 根据我在模拟器上的体会,我们还可以期待拥有令人惊异的雷达性能和势态感知能力。
- Based on my pervious experiences, clients always give a lot of strict criteria once the project is commissioned. 根据我以往的经验,客户总是在开案后就给一堆严格的条件限制。
- It’s one of those judgment calls you’ll make, but based on my experience and her vibe it seemed like the best option. 这是一个你要下的决定,但是基于我的经验和她的反应,这看起来是一个最好的选择。
- It is no double to achive bachelor's degree for me,which is based on my courses and essays. 根据我的课程学习和论文写作情况,获得学士学位不成问题。
- Based on my ability, it will only allow me to protect a few. Disappointingly they, left me one after another. “其实我的能力,只能保护那么区区的几个人而已。可惜他们,都一个一个地离开我了。”
- It is based on my contract with Ho's Clothing and our agreement on the financial arrangement. 它是以我和胡氏公司的合同以及我们在财务安排上达成的协议为基础的。
- I want also to add that part of my conviction is based on my training as an Anglo-American common lawyer. 我还想补充说明,我的信念部分地建立在我作为英裔美国人一名普通律师所接受的训练上。
- Based on my experience with the shoe I think that the thick EVA midsole is what does the work of cushioning. 根据我对于鞋的经验,真正起到缓震效果的其实是那厚厚的EVA中底。
- The runner went to second base on a wild pitch. 一记瞎设让跑垒员跑上了第二垒。
- Based on my experience with messages of this length, there should be a good chance that 1-10 walks will yield a break. 基于我们对加密信息长度的认知经验,好的运气要胜过1-10次破解过程。
- The rout track what network a request have come from and apply differ rules based on the source network. 路由器跟踪一个请求来自何种网络并应用基于源网络的不同规则。
- His incrimination was based on my testimony; the police laid the blame on on the driver. 由于我做证他才被指控,警察指责司机的过失。