- Methods To analysis 25 cases with traumatic basal ganglia hemorrhag from 1995 to 2006. 方法分析我院1995至2006年外伤性基底节区出血患者25例。
- Methods According to the operation procedure,107 patients with basal ganglia hemorrhage were divided into endoscopic surgery group(n=29),stereotactic burr-hole aspiration group(n=33)and small bone flap craniomy group(n=45). 方法根据手术方式不同,将107例基底核区脑出血病人分为内镜下血肿清除组(n=29)、立体定向血肿碎吸组(n=33)和小骨窗开颅显微手术组(n=45)。
- Results The ratio of traumatic basal ganglia ischemia is higher than it of traumatic basal ganglia hemorrhage and traumatic basal ganglia ischemia occurred with traumatic basal ganglia hemorrhage. 结果老年患者中,外伤性基底节区缺血发生率高于外伤性基底节区出血,并且外伤性基底节区缺血常并发出血损害。
- Comparison of curative effect and analysis of influencing factors in patients with basal ganglion hemorrhage treated with traditional craniotomy and mini-invasive operation 基底节脑出血微创手术和传统开颅术的疗效比较及影响因素分析
- Hypertension basal ganglia hemorrhage 高血压基底节出血
- Hypertensive basal ganglionic hemorrhage 高血压基底节出血
- Basal ganglion hemorrhage 基底节区脑出血
- Conclusion The left hemorrhage of basal ganglion area should get the first trea... 结论左侧基底节区出血患者应尽量采取内科保守治疗。
- Predictors of 30-day mortality after intracerebral basal ganglia hemorrhage 基底节出血30天死亡概率的预测研究
- Keywords Hypertensive basal ganglionic hemorrhage;Keyhole;Minimal invasive operation;Prognosis; 关键词高血压基底节出血;锁孔;微创手术;预后;
- Microsurgical treatment via small bone flap craniotomy through lateral fissure approach for hypertensive basal ganglia hemorrhage during ultra-early period 超早期小骨窗外侧裂入路显微手术治疗高血压性基底节脑出血
- Computer tomographic scan and magnetic resonance imaging showed a mass lesion in the left basal ganglion region. 因无法以核磁共振扫瞄及脑部血管摄影检查排除为动静脉畸形瘤,于是开刀取样化验。
- Stereotactic microinvasive aspiration in treatment of basal ganglion hema trema. 立体定向微创抽吸治疗高血压基底节区脑出血。
- Basal ganglionic hemorrhage 基底节出血
- Basal ganglia hemorrhage 基底节出血
- Head CT or MRI showed hypodense or abnormal signals in bilateral frontal,parietal and temporal lobes and/or basal ganglion regions. 头颅CT或MRI均显示双侧额、顶、颞叶或基底节区大片状低密度影或异常信号。
- Howeverwith MRI scanning 9 cases had abnormal signal change in medulla oblongata, 5 cases had abnormal signal change incerebellum, 2 cases had abnormal signal in basal ganglion. 发病72h内头部MRI检查,9例延髓有异常信号改变,5例小脑有异常信号改变,2例基底节区有异常信号改变。
- Conclusion: The appearance of the multiple small ring, twist and target enhancement in the basal ganglion are highly suggestive of toxoplasma encephalitis. 结论:位于基底节区的多发小环状、螺旋状或靶形增强,高度提示脑弓形体虫脑炎。
- The large hemorrhage in this adult brain arose in the basal ganglia region of a patient with hypertension. This is one cause for a "stroke". 这个成年病人的大脑大出血发生在基底核区域,他同时患有高血压,这是引发“中风”的一个原因。
- Objective: To explore the effectiveness of microsurgery through lateral fissure approach for treating hypertensive hemorrhage of basal ganglia region. 摘要目的:探讨超早期小骨窗经侧裂入路治疗高血压基底节脑出血的疗效。