- Barrios not Mr. 因此得称他Mr.
- Mr Green is a professor in name but not in reality. 格林先生是徒有虚名的教授。
- Mr Green is not in town/is out of town. 格林先生不在城里。
- Whether or not Mr Gove gets the chance to implement his ideas after the next election, the ritual of hurrahs and boos over A-level results seems likely to continue. 无论戈弗先生能否在下次大选后实施他的主张,关于A等级考试的争论还会继续。
- They differ in size but not in kind. 这些东西的区别只是大小不同而实质一样。
- Modern paintings are not to my taste. 现代画不合我的口味。
- I'm not feeling up to snuff today. 我今天觉得不大舒服。
- In order not to be late, she cut across the fields. 为了不迟到,她抄近路穿过田野。
- Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me. 下不下雨对我来说都一样。
- Mr Foster is sorry that he cannot accept your invitation to dinner. 福斯特先生不能接受你的宴请,深表歉意。
- Younger parliamentarians have become so dissatisfied with Mr Ozawa that Yukio Hatoyama, the DPJ's secretary-general, now says that he, and not Mr Ozawa, is answerable to the party caucus. 年轻的国会议员对小泽感到非常不满,民主党的干事长鸠山由纪夫表示,以后将由他代替小泽负责召开党内的干部会议。
- Some of the union members did not want to picket. 工会的一些会员不想担任罢工纠察员。
- Mr Jackson is not the books of the Union of Scientific Workers. 杰克逊先生是科学工作者工会的会员。
- A benign tumour will not cause you any fatal harm. 良性肿瘤不会对你有致命的伤害。
- Do not part with the shares on any account. 无论如何不要放弃这些股票。
- A butterfly must not be confused with a moth. 不得将蝴蝶和飞蛾混同起来。
- I admit I could not be so far ben as Ivan. 我承认我不能像伊文一样受到赏识。
- I got hollered at for not doing my homework. 我因为没做功课而被责骂。
- He was not a man to sit down with affront. 他并不是一个可以忍受当众侮辱的人。
- She will not veer from her brave new intentions. 她不会改变她的大胆的新计划。