- Barren or marginal farmland. 荒芜或边远的农田
- The extreme edge or margin; a border. 边,边沿,边缘极端的边线或边缘;边沿,边界
- The border, edge, or margin of an object. 边,缘物体的边沿、棱、或边缘。
- An extensive area,such as a desert or an ocean,that is barren or empty; a waste. 荒野大片土地,例如沙漠、海洋,这些地区贫脊或空旷;荒野
- Extreme dearth;barrenness or insufficiency. 缺乏极度缺乏;贫瘠或不足
- Extreme dearth; barrenness or insufficiency. 缺乏极度缺乏;贫瘠或不足
- A rib or a riblike part, such as the midrib of a leaf or a thickened anterior vein or margin of an insect's wing. 肋骨,叶脉肋骨或肋骨状部分,例如叶子的中脉或昆虫翼的较厚的前部线或边
- The once barren hillsides are now good farmland. 昔日荒坡,今日良田。
- The Padding structure represents the padding or margin associated with a rectangular UI element such as a control. Padding结构表示与矩形UI元素(如控件)关联的空白或边距。
- A rib or a riblike part,such as the midrib of a leaf or a thickened anterior vein or margin of an insect's wing. 爵床,茛苕一种常年生爵床属草本植物或小灌木,生长于地中海地区,有叶边带刺的羽状裂片基叶,及由白色或紫红色花朵构成的艳丽穗状花序
- Results When the incisor crown thickness was markedly inc reased or marginal ridge was pronounced, the intermaxillary may be disturbed. 结果随上前牙厚度,舌面边缘嵴隆起程度的增大,上下颌间咬合关系将受到影响。
- Adopting prepayment or margin transaction system will be favorable for online trading development in the future. 网路交易在现行交割制度下存在违约风险,采预收款券或保证金之交易方式,有利于网路交易未来的发展。
- Scottrade provides individual and joint cash or margin accounts. We do not have corporate accounts or option accounts at this time. 史考特券目前提供个人帐户与共同帐户,包含现金或融资融券服务。目前国际帐户并不接受公司帐户与期权交易的申请。
- The disadvantage of giving depressant drugs rapidly is that hypotension may occur in patients with questionable cardiovascular status or marginal circulatory volume. 快速给予抑制剂的缺点是心血管功能有问题或循环容量在临界水平的病人可发生低血压。
- Land that is desolate, barren, or ravaged. 荒原荒凉、贫瘠或遭到毁坏之土地
- The place used to be a stretch of barren land. 早先这里是一片不毛之地。
- Not fertile; unproductive or barren. 不肥沃的不肥沃的; 不生产的或贫瘠的
- That remote barren land has blossomed into rich granaries. 过去的穷乡僻壤变成了富饶的谷仓。
- Not bearing fruit or offspring; barren. 不结果实的; 无效的不产生果实或后代的; 不育的
- As a result,soil alkalinity rose and farmland lay barren. 结果,土壤中的碱份增多,农田成了不毛之地。