- What do earlier banking crises reveal about America's travails today? 之前的银行危机为今天美国的阵痛带来何种启示?
- Banking crises is that burst of bubbles results into a lot of bad assets of banking and the payment crises of banking. 银行业危机是指由于金融泡沫破灭而导致银行业产生大量不良资产,从而使得银行业出现支付危机而形成的。
- Intervening to prevent banking crises from hurting the real economy has a strong pedigree. 对经济事务进行干预,防止银行业危机伤及实体经济的历史由来已久。
- In the disquisition I have analyzed the facts which may have efficient impact on banking crises and banking stability. 本文从理论上对银行体系稳定性做了综合分析,探讨了影响银行体系稳定性的宏观与微观因素。
- Will Banking Crisis Burst Out in China? 中国会爆发银行危机吗?
- What Olivier is saying is that the shocks to the level of GDP from banking crises are typically permanent. 布兰查德说的就是:银行危机对GDP水平所造成的冲击,一般来说是永久性的。
- Regulators are furiously trying to find ways to prevent taxpayers picking up the tab for banking crises. 监管者们目前正在积极的寻找方法以避免纳税者拿这事来给银行系统危机说事。
- History suggests that systemic banking crises are usually resolved with large injections of public capital. 历史表明,系统的银行业危机通常通过注入大量公共资本来解决。
- The lesson of history is that early, decisive government action can stem the pain and cost of banking crises. 历史的教训是,政府及早、决断采取办法能够减轻危机造成的痛楚和支付的价钱。
- Kaminsky, G.L. (1998) ."Currency and banking crises: the early warning of distress, " FRB International Finance Discussion Papers, No.629. 经济增长刺激进口;其结果是直接导致贸易赤字;这个难题曾长期困扰了战后日本经济.
- This is what happened during the 14 banking crises in various high-income countries that Barrell and his colleagues have studied. 巴雷尔及其同事对不同高收入国家的14次银行业危机进行了研究,得出了上述结果。
- Exhibit river point out, the Pulitzer this year is chosen have an apparent drawback, lack the attention of pair of banking crises namely. 展江指出,今年的普利策评选有一个明显的缺陷,即缺乏对金融危机的关注。
- If not, something like a banking crisis could ensue. 如果没有起到应有作用,银行危机之类的事情料将发生。
- If the banking crisis persists, the ECB may have to do likewise. 如果银行危机持续下去,ECB也许不得不采取同样的措施。
- History also suggests that countries which address their banking crises quickly and creatively (as Sweden did in the early 1990s) do better than those that dither. 历史还向我们暗示,那些迅速而富有创造性的解决其银行业危机的国家(如20世纪90年代初瑞典所为)比那些犹豫不定的国家处理得好。
- Regulators may need to abandon the traditional, mechanistic link between accounting and capital adequacy rules if they really want to try to fight banking crises. 监管者如果真的想去尝试战胜银行危机,或许需要放弃那些位于会计与资本充足率之间的传统的机械联系。
- The central bank's intervention in the banking crisis. 中央银行对银行危机的干预。
- Caprio,G.Jr.and Martinez (2000)."Avoiding Disaster:Policies to Reduce the Risk of Banking Crises," World Bank mimeo and Egyptian Center for Economic Studies Working Paper No.47. 世界银行(2001)的报告显示;大量的经验证据呼吁银行(尤其是那些分支机构广泛的银行)减少国有股比例;因为当国有股比例增加时;银行经营的成本也增加.;但是也没有证据显示要完全放弃国家对银行持股
- The collective net wealth of these super-rich slumped by 24 per cent after a year of bank crises, government bailouts and stock market routs. 经历了一年的银行危机、政府纾困和股市暴跌之后,这些超级富豪的净财富总额缩水了24%25。
- "Below the setting of global banking crisis, operation as before very dovish. “在全球金融危机的背景下,运营依旧非常稳健。”