- Bangladeshi Mahasthabir Nikayan. 孟加拉国大乘佛教
- Bangladesh was finally free from smallpox. 孟加拉终于摆脱了天花。
- A unit of currency in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan. 派沙在不丹、印度、尼泊尔和巴基斯坦所用的一种货币单位
- Bangladeshi student of WSU came to pick me up. 威诺娜州立大学的一位孟加拉国籍学生过来接我。
- A Bangladeshi student of WSU came to pick me up. 威诺娜州立大学的一位孟加拉国籍学生过来接我。
- Get Bangladeshi workers, Malay girls missing. 聘请孟加拉工人,马来女童失踪。
- Survivors tell of Bangladesh cyclone. 孟加拉国幸存者讲述龙卷风袭击。
- Bengal is region of easternIndia and Bangladesh. 孟加拉是印度和孟加拉国东部地区。
- Buying Apparel Stock From Bangladesh Only. 孟加拉国求购库存服饰。
- The largest number has fled to Bangladesh. 人数最多的是逃到孟加拉。
- "Bengal:a region of eastern India and Bangladesh. 孟加拉:印度和孟加拉国东部地区。
- Is Natural Gas a Blessing for Bangladesh? 天然气是孟加拉国的救星吗?
- Bangladesh has an army, but it is a twopenny halfpenny affair kept deliberately weak, with the security forces split into three separate groups. 孟加拉国拥有一支军队,但是由于安全部队分裂成三个独立的派别,这支军队微不足道,并且有意使之弱小。
- The modern Indic language of West Bengal and Bangladesh. 孟加拉语西孟加拉和孟加拉国的现代印度语
- Substantial policy reforms have also been undertaken in Bangladesh. 孟加拉国也已经推行了根本性的政策改革。
- Bangladesh has passed through a period of critical challenge. 孟加拉经历了一个严峻的考验。
- In1971 people in Bangladesh were exposed to every kind of danger flood, famine, disease and war. 1971年孟加拉国人民遭受到种种危险:洪水、饥荒、瘟疫和战争。
- A unit of currency in Bangladesh,India,Nepal,and Pakistan. 派沙在不丹、印度、尼泊尔和巴基斯坦所用的一种货币单位
- Bangladesh Government did not approved to send TT for sample. 政府不允许tt付样品费,有这回事么?
- Bangladesh ranked the third with 11 cases against 15 last year. 孟加拉第三,十一件,去年十五件。