- Bancosol of Bolivia 阳光银行
- Embassy of the Republic of Bolivia?? 玻利维亚共和国大使馆??
- Embassy of the Republic of Bolivia? 玻利维亚共和国大使馆?
- The seat of Bolivia's government. Sucre is the nominal capital. 玻利维亚政府所在地,苏克雷是名义上的首都。
- These products were donated by Cuba to the sister nation of Bolivia. 这些物资是由古巴捐赠给其姐妹国家玻利维亚的。
- Sucre, the first capital of Bolivia, was founded by the Spanish in the first half of the 16th century. 玻利维亚第一个首都苏克雷城是16世纪上半叶由西班牙人建立的。
- The Draft Civil Code of Bolivia, Peru, Puerto Rico and the last Argentine draft regulate these rights. 玻利维亚、鲁、多黎各和新近的阿根廷民法典草案对这些权利作了规定。
- The Delegation of Bolivia stated that the development issue was the main challenge of the century. 玻利维亚代表团指出发展问题是本世纪的主要挑战。
- The Delegation of Bolivia stated that, as a megadiverse country, it attached great importance to the work of the IGC. 玻利维亚代表团表示,作为一个极具多样性的国家,该国十分重视IGC的工作。
- The Delegation of Bolivia thanked the Chair for the effort that had gone into the preparation of the paper. 玻利维亚代表团感谢主席为编拟这份文件所作出的努力。
- In 1930, and 1935 Bolivia responded with its own stamps showing the Chaco within the borders of Bolivia. 在1930年和1935年;玻利维亚对自己的邮票;展示了查的边界玻利维亚.
- The Draft Civil Code of Bolivia, Peru , Puerto Rico and the last Argentine draft regulate these rights. 玻利维亚、秘鲁、波多黎各和新近的阿根廷民法典草案对这些权利作了规定。
- The inviter should go to the Immigration Office of Bolivia to take an interview for stating the invitation details. 邀请人须到玻利维亚移民局外事处(或签证处)面访,说明邀请情况。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?
- This one is a beautiful picture of a vintage train here in the highlands of Bolivia. 这一次是一个美丽的图片的老式火车在高原玻利维亚。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- The Delegation of Bolivia said that it just wanted to repeat very briefly some its positions on the issues they were discussing. 玻利维亚代表团说,它只想简单地复述一下它对正在讨论的问题的立场。