- Bamboo in the Supernal Hills 仙山竹韵
- There is black bamboo in the park. 公园里有一片黑竹。
- The river takes its rise in the hills. 这条河发源于群山之中。
- The hills were hidden in the mist. 群山消失在雾中。
- Finally, the application of bamboo in the future was prospected. 对未来在园林中的应用前景进行了展望。
- The road goes through a gap in the hills. 这条路穿过两条山脉之间的峡谷。
- The farm was tucked away in the hills. 那个农场隐蔽在群山之中。
- The Thames rises in the Cotswold Hills. 泰晤士河发源於科茨沃尔德丘陵。
- The kidnappers' lair was an old farm in the hills. 绑架者的藏身处是一座山上的旧农场。
- The rain made hay of our plans to go walking in the hills. 下雨打乱了我们去山间漫步的计划。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- McCain and Day collected pieces of bamboo in the prison courtyard to use as a splint.Mr.McCain put Mr. 冒着可能被严惩的风险,麦凯恩和黛在监狱的院子里收集了一些竹子,用来做夹板。
- A fire was burning in the grate. 火在壁炉中燃烧着。
- You didn't embarrass me in the slightest. 你一点也没让我为难。
- I groped for the light switch in the dark room. 我在黑暗的房间里摸索着找电灯开关。
- I heard his footsteps in the hall. 我听见大厅里有他的脚步声。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- The air in the garden was warm and fragrant. 花园里的空气一片温馨。