- Bamboo culture diversity 竹文化多样性
- Culture diversity is a preceding issue studied by current academic circle. 摘要文化多样性是当前学术界研究的前沿问题。
- Yunnan is one of Chinese provinces famous for their culture diversity. 云南是中国文化多样性最为富集的省份之一。
- "Shan YaEr"brand Zao yuan bamboo shoot was awarded the gold prize at 99'China Bamboo culture international Bamboo Trade Fair. “山伢儿”牌早园笋荣获'99年中国竹文件国际竹业博览会金奖。
- We should get a thorough understanding about the cultural diversity of the United States. 我们应该对美国文化的多样性有一个全面的了解。
- Prototypical forest culture generally consists of culture morphology based on tree species, such as pine culture, bamboo culture, tea culture, etc. 原生态的森林文化一般由树种文化(如松文化、竹文化、茶文化等)形态组成,具有明显类的特征。
- I am interested in the culture diversity and I'd like to make friends with people from all over the world. 我对这个世界上的文化多样性很感兴趣,觉得能够与世界各地的人交朋友是一件很酷的事。
- Chinese bamboo culture and classical bamboo fumiture are the basic of bamboo furniture development, abundant bamboo resource is the advantage for bamboo furniture making. 中国的竹文化和古典竹家具是设计开发竹家具的基础,丰富的竹材资源是制作竹家具的有利条件。
- What are the relationships between music and cultural diversity? 音乐和文化多样性之间的关系是什么?
- In the process of its formation and development, the Japanese bamboo culture absorbed the contents of the Chinese bamboo culture, and formed its uniqueness. 日本竹文化在形成和发展的过程中,吸收了中国竹文化的内容,形成了独特的竹文化。
- We believe in a Net that preserves cultural diversity. 我们信仰多样性文化的互联网。
- Culture diversity endows Europe power and energy and stimulates the development of Europe. 文化多样性赋予欧盟力量和活力,它构成欧盟一体化的前进动力;
- National questions is the contradictory social problems between nationalities (Minzu)caused by culture diversity,benefits or class imparity. 民族问题是在民族交往联系中 ,基于民族文化差异 ,民族群体利益的关注 ,或者阶级不平等的延伸等原因造成的民族间复杂的社会矛盾问题。
- One of the reasons, which cause the vanishment of culture diversity and language variety, are that little attentions the government pays to. 造成文化和语言多样性的消失的原因很多,其中之一是政府对文化保护没有给予足够重视。
- Our ethnic and cultural diversity is no doubt the envy of many countries. 我们多元种族色彩和多元文化风格固然是其他国家和地区的人民所羡慕的。
- Which legal document recognizes the cultural diversity of Canadians? 那一个法律文件承认加拿大多元文化?
- Suriname's cultural diversity is matched only by its ecological diversity. 苏利南文化的多元性可媲美其生态多样性。
- Under the trend of globalization, culture hegemony and ultraism become an impediment of threatening human civilization development and challenge of culture diversity. 在当前全球化趋势不断强化的形势下,文化霸权主义和文化极端主义已经成为威胁人类文明健康和谐发展的严重障碍,也是对文化多样性的严峻挑战。
- Beijing Charter no t only indicates assimilation crisis for city sight by globalization in new centu ry,but also affirms that city sight diversity forms by culture diversity. “北京宪章”指出了在新世纪的全球化的背景下城市景观趋同化的危机,肯定了文化特色这一构成城市多样性的因素。
- Culture and Communication on Global Networks: Cultural Diversity, Moral Relativism, and Hope for a Global Ethic? 全球网络的文化与交流:文化多元性,道德相对主义,以及一种全球伦理的希望?