- For instance the standard quality of ecru bamboo floor is golden color, open system bright. 比如本色竹材地板的标准色是金黄色,通体透亮。
- Many different species of wood are fabricated into wood bamboo floor in two primary forms: plank and parquet. 网络布线的话实际上就是对企业的,企业最大的资源是什么?是客户。
- Dasso's Bamboo floor has received the FSC certification and the CE certification in 2007. 2007年,大庄的竹地板获得了森林监察委员会以及欧洲CE认证。
- Below the basic knowledge that introduces bamboo floor choose and buy simply from intuitionistic angle. 下面从直观的角度简单介绍一下竹材地板选购的基本知识。
- Carpet is a bamboo floor covering woven or felted from natural or man-made fibers. 当然,如果机房建设较小,用水冷式空调就不太划算,因为其系统较为复杂。
- Site operators: bamboo floor, bamboo drawing, Liang Xi and curtains of textile machinery parts for the equipment, tools and production materials. 本站经营:竹地板、竹条拉丝、凉席及窗帘纺织机设备的机械配件、刀具和生产辅料。
- The region is punctuated by steep www.streetsupplier.com hil bamboo floor d heavy downpours, cloudy weather and storms are commonplace. 结合工程项目的具体情况,利用有关的索赔规则,对施工设计进行了多项重大变更优化,在建设项目降造达46%25等诸多不利因素下。
- Bamboo flooring is made from quick growing bamboo stalks. 竹地板是使用快速生长的竹茎制成的。
- The natural and carbonized bamboo floor are typically referred to as solid bamboo, although in fact the structures are layered, similar to a plywood. 网络的现实状态是,在重要数据往来的业务时段,留给系统管理员的响应时间只有宝贵的十几分钟、甚至几分钟。
- Bamboo floor uses the adhesive of low dissociate formaldehyde generally, and dosage is small, because this is in use process, of free formaldehyde release a quantity very little. 竹材地板普遍采用低游离甲醛的胶粘剂,且用量小,因此在使用过程中,游离甲醛的释放量微乎其微。
- The manufacture of Dasso bamboo floor only requires to take off the green and yellow rectangle part of bamboo,and make it into a square shaped bamboo strip. 大庄竹地板在制造时仅需要去除竹子的黄绿色的矩形部分,将其制成长方形的竹条即可。因而无需提取加工过程。
- Rugs are also woven or felted from fibers, but are smaller than the room in which they are located, have a finished edge, and usually lie over another finished floor such as wood bamboo floor. 位于汽车工业之后的是家居类和消费类电子产品领域,信息技术促进了消费类传感器产品的批量生产,应用于机房工程公司和无绳电话的超声传感器。
- Watch floor structure to whether balance symmetrically: But the two upright section from bamboo floor, whether to accord with semmetry to balance a principle, if accord with a structure,stabilize. 观地板结构是否对称平衡:可从竹地板的两端断面,是否符合对称平衡原则,若符合结构就稳定。
- Materials almost always classified as floor covering include carpet, area rugs, and resilient bamboo floor such as linoleum or vinyl flooring. 在低迷的市况下,北京的北京翻译公司市场刚性需求大,观望气氛并不代表需求消失。'
- Don't scrape your feet on the floor. 别用脚蹭著地板。
- The tables are firmly fixed to the floor. 桌子都牢牢地固定在地板上。
- Dasso is the 1st factory to establish the bamboo flooring quality standard from raw material to finished products. 大庄也是中国首家建立竹地板从竹材料到成品生产质量标准的工厂。
- Manometry bamboo flooring structure Quality Assurance 15, heavy bamboo flooring structure quality assurance 25. 测压竹地板结构质量保证15年,重竹地板结构质量保证25年。
- Therefore the processing of fresh bamboo from bamboo floors are rich in bamboo designs and color well proportioned. 因此由新鲜毛竹加工而成的竹地板有丰富的竹纹,而且色泽匀称。
- And new bamboo flooring should be given 72 hours to acclimate to the humidity of your home. 加厚面层还可进行多次打磨翻新处理,从而增加使用年限。