- A balloon floated across the sky. 有个气球从空中飘过。
- He has to reflect on what answer to give. 他得思考一下如何答复。
- I don't want to be around when the balloon goes up. 要出事了,我趁早离开是非之地。
- He burst the balloon with a prick of the pin. 他用针一戳,气球就爆了。
- A thrust with the pin broke the balloon. 用针一戳,气球就爆了。
- The balloon burst and fell to earth. 气球破裂而落到地上。
- The girl was startled when the balloon exploded. 这女孩在气球爆炸时吃了一惊。
- The cat batted the balloon with its paws. 猫用爪子击打气球。
- He continued to reflect upon it. 他继续思索这个问题。
- The child pricked the balloon and it burst. 那孩子在气球上刺了个洞,气球就爆了。
- One who acts as a decoy, as in a confidence game. 诱骗者,赌棍同伙充当眼线的人,如在一场骗局中
- Such behavior can only reflect discredit on you. 这样的行为只能给你带来耻辱。
- Humanitarianism is apt to be forgotten when the balloon goes up. 一旦战争爆发,人道主义往往就被抛到脑后了。
- The spectators watched the descent of the balloon. 观看的人瞧著气球降落。
- The results reflect the greatest credit upon all concerned. 这些成绩带给所有有关人员最大的荣誉。
- I always reflect on life when listening to beethoven's symphony. 每当听贝多芬交响乐的时候,我总会仔细思考人生。
- These excellent results reflect great credit on all our staff. 这些优异的成绩给我们全体工作人员带来了莫大的光荣。
- The ballast may be thrown out to make the balloon go higher. 沙袋可以拋掉以使气球飞得更高。
- The heat reflect from the white sand forme a mirage. 热气经白色的沙面反射形成了蜃景。
- This scandal will reflect badly on the Party as a whole. 这件丑闻可以说明这个党在整体上不健康。