- Baden Wurttemberg 巴登符腾堡州
- The regular troops of Baden joined the insurgents. 巴登的正规军参加到起义军方面来了。
- Paritaetisches Jugendwerk Baden Wuerttemberg.v. 德国巴符州平等福利会青年会
- Lady Baden Powell almost Faints. 夫人巴登鲍威尔几乎晕倒.
- Baden, M.D., Jeffrey M.Drazen, M. 甲型流感病毒的动物间传播和遗传重组。
- Anton Rubinstein is coming to Baden for two months to work. 看在他的份儿上,我希望他来,但我怀疑他会旧病复发。
- The guitarist and composer Baden Powell was his protege. 吉他手和作曲家巴登鲍威尔是他的门徒。
- Baden misses his family back in Tibet but has no regrets about his move. “我们在西藏没有自由,我们总感到来自中共当局的压力,”他说。
- Baden and his friends are convinced their lives will be much better in India. 巴登和他的朋友们相信,他们在印度的生活将更美好。
- When a young officer, English general Oglethorpe (1696-1785) was invited to a dinner at which the Prince of Wurttemberg was the guest. 英国将军奥格尔索普(1695-1785)年轻时任军官,曾应邀出席晚宴,宴会嘉宾是符腾堡公爵。
- Agnes Baden Powell's organization for girls. Originally with blue serge skirts, straw hats, haversacks and poles. 阿格尼丝。巴登。鲍威尔建立的少女组织。女童子军最早的装束是蓝哗叽裙、草帽、粗帆布背包和童子军棍。
- A month of this regimen and I should have been obliged to go to Baden Baden or Vichy or Aix les Bains. 过上一个月这种养尊处优的生活我就只好去巴登一巴登、维希或艾克斯菜班了。
- Like all Tibetan refugees who arrive in Dharamsala, Baden, Jampa and Tashi will have an audience with the Dalai Lama. 像所有抵达达兰萨拉的西藏难民,巴登,强巴和扎西将有机会与达赖喇嘛见面。
- Baden said relatives and friends took part in protests and some were put in prison. 巴登说他的亲属和朋友参加了抗议活动,其中一些人被关进了监狱。
- Book online the cheapest hotels in Feldberg Baden Wuerttemberg - low prices and high discounts. 网上预定在 Feldberg ( Baden Wuerttemberg ) 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。
- The order of the progressive awards of Rover Scout Section is Membership Badge, Rover Epaulettes, Rover Scout Award and Baden Powell Award. 乐行童军支部的进度性徽章依次序是会员章、乐行童军肩章、乐行童军奖章及贝登堡奖章。
- Antonio Carlos Jobim was going to do four songs; I was gonna do some songs with Baden Powell; Vinicius de Moraes was gonna oversee the whole thing. 恩东纽.卡娄斯.久宾那时准备要演奏四首乐曲;我与巴登.鲍尔则要演奏数曲;费尼希邬斯.迪摩赖斯也将会过来瞧瞧这一切。
- Hargreaves is also looking forward to seeing his England colleagues again, after forming such a close bond during their time in Baden Baden. 在巴登巴登度过了如此亲密的时光后,哈格里夫斯也非常期待再看到他的英格兰队友。
- The Romanists, flushed with anticipated triumph, had come to Baden attired in their richest robes and glittering with jewels. 罗马教的代表预期必定胜利,因而兴高采烈地来到巴登,他们穿着华丽的衣服,戴着耀目的装饰;
- Medog on foot, running border card from the Nyingchi were rural, rugby way, Ani Bridge, while Baden, County, up trees, to reach the final 80K. 徒步墨脱,办好边防证,从林芝的派乡出发,途径拉格、阿尼桥、巴登则、墨脱、达木,最后到达80K。