- Bacteroides tectum 隐蔽拟杆菌
- The perforation in tectum is clear. 覆盖层不连续,有小穿孔。
- Six strains are identified as Bacteroides sp. 鉴定为拟杆菌、乳酸杆菌、双歧杆菌、难辨梭菌、粪链球菌和大肠扦菌。
- The exine is composed of tectum, columellae, foot layer and endexine. 花粉外壁由顶盖层、柱状层、底层及外壁内层所组成。
- Bacteroides largely exist in it's host.It is significant for the host's health. 拟杆菌大量存在于宿主体内,对宿主的健康起着重要的作用。
- Neighboring artificial ganglion cells now connected to neurons in the silicon tectum that were twice as close as the initial connections. 相邻的人工节细胞连结到的矽顶盖神经元的位置,比起刚开始时缩短了一半的距离。
- Are Helicobacter species and enterotoxigenic Bacteroides fragilis involv ed in inflammatory bowel disease? 炎症性肠病是否与螺旋杆菌及肠产毒性脆弱拟杆菌感染有关?
- POPULUS: Domine, non sum dignus ut intres sub tectum meum: sed tantum dic verbo, et sanabitur anima mea. 信众:主,我当不起你到我心里来,只要你说一句话,我的灵魂就会痊愈。
- Objective To evaluate the method of rapid diagnosis of Bacteroides fragilis infection in clinical specimens. 目的对感染灶中的脆弱类杆菌进行快速检测。
- Narrowing the target down to the right house in the tectum requires a second step, but scientists do not understand this process in detail. 要确定是顶盖城市里的哪栋房子,还需要第二个步骤,但科学家还不知道详细过程。
- Objective Research a rapid diagnosis test to primarily identify bacteroides infection. 目的研究快速试验用于厌氧菌中类杆菌的筛查。
- So the thesis investigates the tectum of Gekko gecko and Eumeces chinensis (Gray), and the fiber. 它们的行为均高度依赖视觉,其视觉系统包括离顶盖通路、离丘脑通路和副视系统。
- Besides,some of useful stains of Bacteroides are introduced as well.And this minireview provides a perspective on the tre... 此外,还介绍了几株有重要应用价值的拟杆菌,并就以后的研究趋势作了展望。
- The midbrain responsive loci were mainly distributed in an area including central gray and adjacent tegmentum,but seldom in the tectum. 中脑反应点主要分布于中央灰质及其邻近的腹侧被盖,而很少在顶盖出现。
- Results Dachengqi decoction was highly sensitive to staphylococcus,fecal streptococcus,E.coli,Bacteriodes.Proteus and Bacteroides fragilis. 结果:大承气冲剂对金葡菌、粪链球菌、大肠杆菌、单形类杆菌、变形梭杆菌和脆弱类杆菌高度敏感。
- Bacteroid A modified bacterial cell in a root nodule, typically a cell of the bacterium Rhizobium in the root nudule of a leguminous plant (family Fabaceae). 类细菌:在根瘤中经过修饰的细菌细胞,比较典型的是在豆科植物根瘤中的根瘤菌(蝶形花科)。
- The exine of pollen wall is of different electron density, the nexine dense and the sexine, comprising tectum, bacules, and foot layer, relatively thin. 花粉壁的外壁分为外层和内层,外层包括覆盖层、基粒棒和基足层等三层,内层只包含一层。
- The outer pollen wall ultrastructure of 4 excellent germplasms and their cutting offsprings showed that the tectum,columellac,foot layer and endexine had no notable variation. 花粉外壁超微结构所显示的覆盖层、柱状层、基层和外壁内层的形状或厚度,4份优质资源与其扦插后代均无明显变化。
- The younger bacteroid was elliptic and had a similar nucleus region in cell. The normal bacteroid had an intact membrane envelope and PHB granules. 幼年美菌体为椭圆形,里面有个拟核区,正常类菌体有完整的周膜和PHB颗粒。
- EPSPs with short latencies were concluded to be monosynaptic.Most IPSPs were generated through polysynaptic paths, but monosynaptic IPSPs were also recorded in the tectum. 短潜时的EPSP可能是通过单突触进行传导的,而大多数的IPSP是通过多突触方式进行神经信息传递的。