- Regal is a high-end, grand flagship car of BUICK. 传承实力,品位从容,别克君威凭借大气而现代的设计风格
- The car was a Benz, not a Buick. 那辆车是奔驰,不是别克。
- A Buick is a car with dual exhaust pipes. 别克轿车是有 双排气管的汽车.
- Two Buick commercials ran during the same episode. 在同一集里还播出了两次别克的广告。
- The car was a Buick, not a Benz. 那辆车是别克,不是奔驰。
- Jack got rid of the old van and bought himself a new Buick. 杰克卖了那辆旧货车,给自己买了辆新别克。
- The bumbling bumblebee bumped the bumper of a bumpkin's Buick. 口齿不清的大黄蜂撞上了一个乡下人别克车的保险杠。
- Buick: Buick-your key to a better life and a better world. 别克轿车: 别克--通往美好生活的秘诀.
- The bumbling bumblebee bumped the bumper of a bumpkin’s Buick. 口齿不清的大黄蜂撞上了一个乡下人别克车的保险杠。
- To come to China for the first time, Buick Atsu very excited. 第一次来到中国,阿祖别克很兴奋。
- It would have just the Cadillac, Chevrolet, Buick, and GMC brands. 它将持有凯迪拉克,雪佛兰,别克,GMC这几个品牌。
- Buick:Buick-your key to a better life and a better world. 别克轿车:别克--通往美好生活的秘诀.
- Buick was a true premium brand and Cadillac the pinnacle of luxury. 别克是真正的高档品牌,而凯迪拉克则是豪华轿车。
- The Buick took it somehow, flying over the wet gravel like a drunken rocket. 别克在湿漉漉的碎石路上,怎么说呢,简直是在飞,像个喝醉了的火箭。
- The guns started barking again, and I heard slugs slamming into the Buick body. 枪声再度响起,我听到子弹击中别克的车身。
- Gordon: I see your boss lent you his new Buick SLX, how does it handle? 戈登:我看见你的老板把他的新别克SLX借给你,这车开起来感觉怎么样?
- The guns started barking again,I heard slugs slamming into the Buick body. 枪声再度响起,我听到子弹击中别克的车身。
- We especially nominate the rental cars are: Buick GL8 and Passat B5. 公司特别别克公务舱GL8,帕萨特B5。
- The Mercury Marquis was a full-sized luxury car to compete with Buick and Oldsmobile. 墨丘利侯爵型车则是一种大型的豪华车,要与别克和欧尔茨一争高下。